
来源 :现代职业教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Rosa1201
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机械类理论课程专业性强,内容抽象,实践性强。而中职学生的文化基础相比普通高中的学生来说比较薄弱,而且他们的逻辑思维能力和空间想象能力远远不及其他学校的学生,这些原因就导致了机械类课程的教学难度变得特别大,而且也一直是中职机械教育教学老师头痛的一个问题。应用多媒体技术进行机械专业课教学,有效实现直观教学,解决教学重点、难点,提高学习效率,活跃课堂气氛,提高了课堂教学质量。同时在中职机械教学过程中大量地采用多媒体教学的方式也会不断的提醒中职机械老师需要注意相关的问题。 Mechanical theory courses are highly specialized, content abstracted and practical. The cultural foundation of secondary vocational students is relatively weak compared with ordinary high school students, and their logical thinking ability and spatial imagination are far less than those of other schools, which leads to the special difficulty of teaching mechanical courses Big, but also has been a problem of headaches in secondary vocational machinery education and teaching teacher. The application of multimedia technology to mechanical specialty teaching, effective visual teaching, solve the teaching key points, difficulties, improve learning efficiency, active classroom atmosphere, improve the quality of classroom teaching. At the same time in the process of mechanical teaching in the midst of the extensive use of multimedia teaching methods will continue to remind secondary vocational teachers need to pay attention to the relevant mechanical problems.
本文就地质图空间数据库建设中技术准备、图层划分和意义,以及数字化和地质描述交叉问题论述了处理意见。 In this paper, the dissertation deals with technical preparat
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