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9月25日,省政府与部分市政府确保养老金发放责任书签订仪式在济南举行。省劳动保障厅厅长李戈主持仪式,赵克志副省长作重要讲话。他要求,各级政府要以江总书记“七一”讲话为指导,认真贯彻“三个代表”的重要思想,进一步提高对“两个确保”重要性的认识,按照党中央、国务院和省委、省政府的要求,千方百计确保企业离退休人员养老金按时足额发放。确保企业离退休人员养老金按时足额发放,是当前维护社会稳定、促进经济发展的一件大事。为此,省政府做出决定,对当前企业离退休人员养老保险基金收不抵支的济南等六市核拨养老保险省级调剂金1.5亿元,这是我省“两个确保”工作的一项重要措施。赵克志指出,各级政府在确保工作中责任重大,要在提高认识的基础上,明确目标,落实责任,加大市级资金筹措和调节力度,确保辖区 September 25, the provincial government and some municipalities to ensure that the issuance of pension book signing ceremony held in Jinan. Provincial Labor and Social Security Department Director Li Ge presided over the ceremony, vice governor Zhao Kezhi made an important speech. He demanded that all levels of government, under the guidance of General Secretary Jiang Zemin’s “1 July” speech, conscientiously implement the important thinking of the “three represents” and further raise their awareness of the importance of “two guarantees,” according to The requirements of the Central Party Committee, the State Council, the provincial party committee and the provincial government have made every effort to ensure that retirees’ pensions will be paid on time and in full. Ensuring the retirement pension for enterprises is paid in full and on time is a major event for maintaining social stability and promoting economic development. To this end, the provincial government made a decision to appropriate 150 million yuan for the provincial-level pension insurance for the six cities such as Jinan, which currently can not pay for the retired pension fund, which is the province’s “two guarantees” An important measure of work. Zhao pointed out that all levels of government are responsible for ensuring that their work is significant. On the basis of raising awareness, they must clearly set their goals and responsibilities and increase the funds raised and adjusted at the municipal level to ensure that the area under their jurisdiction
BACKGROUND:It is challenging to establish peripheral intravenous access in adult critically patients. This study aims to compare the success rate of the first a
【摘 要】新时期的德育教学以学生为主体,.以就业为指导,整合德育教学内容,建立正确合理的评价体系以此来提高教学效果。  【关键词】新时期;中职生;德育教学  【中图分类号】 G711 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】1671-1270(2011)06-0022-01     前言:    中华民族要实现伟大的复兴必须要有强有力的道德支撑。中职学校承担着为国家培养中等技