
来源 :河北医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:William_hui
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抗菌药物是临床上治疗各种感染必不可少的药物,是近年来发展最快、上市品种最多、使用量非常大的药物,如何安全、有效、经济的合理应用抗菌药,防止滥用,目前仍然是临床上值得深入研究的严峻课题。为此,本文就我院1996年的部分出院病例进行了调查,对抗菌药的合理应用情况进行了统计分析。 1 资料和方法 1.1 资料:随机抽取河北医科大学第三医院1996年出院病例779例,19个科室,其中因病例填写不详,作废13例。 1.2 方法:(1)根据调查目的,系统复习病史及其中其它记录,按科研设计的统一表格进行摘录和登记。(2)统计抗菌药物的种类、名称、剂量和疗程等。DDD值取自WHO1992年出版的ATC分类索引, Antimicrobial drugs are clinically essential for the treatment of various infections, is the fastest growing in recent years, the most widely marketed, the use of very large quantities of drugs, how safe, effective and economical rational use of antimicrobial agents to prevent abuse, is still It is a serious subject worthy of further study in clinic. To this end, this article on our hospital in 1996 some cases of discharge were investigated, the rational use of antimicrobial drugs were analyzed. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Data: randomly selected Hebei Medical University Third Hospital in 1996, 779 cases were discharged, 19 departments, which fill in due to unknown cases, void 13 cases. 1.2 Methods: (1) According to the purpose of the investigation, the system review the medical history and other records, according to scientific research unified form for excerpt and registration. (2) statistical types of antibacterial drugs, name, dosage and treatment. The DDD value was taken from the ATC classification index published by the WHO in 1992,