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你必须准备好以确保面试成功。面试的时间可能是你求职最关键的时刻。因此,你应该抽时间准备你要说什么和你以怎样的面貌应试。为了准备面试,你需要做三件事情:尽可能多地了解那家公司的情况。向朋友、商人以及商业机构了解公司的产品、政策、分支机构和发展潜力。 You must be prepared to ensure that the interview is successful. The interview time may be the most critical moment for your job search. Therefore, you should take the time to prepare what you have to say and how you should look. In order to prepare for an interview, you need to do three things: Learn as much as you can about the company. Discover the company’s products, policies, branches, and development potential to friends, businesspeople, and business organizations.
1.If my memory served me right,it wasin fact you who had initiated the question oftheir need of access to a warm-water port in thePacific.2.Louise Hopkias(路易
DEFINITION定义:Fast asleep熟睡 ILLUSTRATIVE SENTENCES例句: 1.My brother didn’t get to bed until three in themorning and was still dead to the world at noon.我
子在川上曰:逝者如斯夫。微软大势已去矣。尽管在今年,微软灵魂人物Bill Gates已经连续14年位居美国首富,微软的市值依然坚挺和上涨,但微软帝国已经出现没落的迹象。 Son sa
牙科医生对病人说:“别害怕,把这些白兰地喝下去。”病人抓起瓶子,很快喝完了瓶里的酒。“还怕不怕?”医生问。“怕?”病人咆哮道, The dentist said to the patient: “D
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《发表看法与回答》一文的用法指南:●Sometimes, you don’t want to present your opinion so strongly can express yourself in a more tentative way like “Don’t yo
一天他的朋友问他:“为什么天一亮人们就纷纷朝不同的方向走去?” 他答道:“啊呀,真可悲,你那么笨。理由不是很清楚吗?如果所有的人都往同一个方向走去,那地球不是要倾 One