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目的分析评估感染沃尔巴克氏体wPip株的白纹伊蚊(命名为GM)与广州本地白纹伊蚊(命名为GUA)和四环素去除GUA株Wolbachia感染的白纹伊蚊(命名为GT)正反杂交诱导产生胞质不相容(CI)的程度,为基于Wolbachia的蚊媒防治策略提供有应用价值的蚊株。方法设置不同时间点,观察GM株、GUA株、GT株三种蚊株的生长发育周期,成蚊后通过三种蚊株正反杂交,血餐,放置产卵杯,收集并计数蚊卵,分析不同杂交组合的蚊卵孵化率,评估GM株的CI程度。结果 PCR检测得出GUA株携带wAlbA、wAlbB,感染率100%;GM株单感染wPip,感染率100%;GT株未携带任何Wolbachia。三种蚊虫的生殖发育周期差异无统计学意义,GUA株的蚊卵孵化率与GT株和GM株相比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),GM株和GT株差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。诱导CI实验中GM(♀)′GUA(♂)、GUA(♀)′GM(♂)、GT(♀)′GM(♂)的蚊卵孵化率极低,CI强度接近100%。GM′GT具有一定的蚊卵孵化率。结论白纹伊蚊GUA株、GM株两者携带的Wolbachia类型不同,二者杂交可产生双向CI,并且CI强度接近100%,是种群压制技术良好的候选蚊株。 Objective To analyze and evaluate Aedes albopictus (designated as GT) infected with Wolbachia infect wolbachia wPip strains infected with Wolbachia, a native Aedes albopictus (named GUA) and a tetracycline The positive and negative hybridization induced the degree of cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), and provided valuable mosquito strains for Wolbachia-based mosquito control strategy. Methods The growth and development cycles of three strains of GM, GUA and GT strains were observed at different time points. After the adult mosquitoes crossed the positive and negative hybridization and blood meal of the three mosquitoes, the oviposition cups were placed and mosquito eggs collected and counted. The incubation rates of mosquito eggs in different cross combinations were analyzed to evaluate the CI degree of GM strains. Results The results of PCR showed that wAbA and wAlbB were carried by GUA strain, the infection rate was 100%. The single strain of wpip was infected with GM strain with the infection rate of 100%. The GT strain did not carry any wolbachia. There was no significant difference in reproductive development cycle between the three mosquitoes. The hatching rate of mosquito in GUA strain was significantly different from that of GT strain and GM strain (P <0.05), but there was no significant difference between GM strain and GT strain (P> 0.05). The results showed that the hatching rate of mosquito eggs in GM (♂) ’GUA (♂), GUA (♀)’ GM (♂), GT (♀) ’GM (♂) was very low and the CI intensity was nearly 100%. GM’GT has a certain hatching rate of mosquito eggs. Conclusion The Wolbachia species of GUA strain and GM strain of Aedes albopictus are different, and the two strains can produce bi-directional CI with the CI intensity close to 100%, which is a good candidate mosquito strain for population suppression.
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