The fast-growing king - American Zhu Liu: speeding, annual seedlings 6 meters high, 3 years breast diameter of 10 centimeters, 4-5 years DBH up to 20-25 centimeters, height 20 meters. Salt-tolerant, flood-resistant, resistant to low temperature of minus 35 degrees, high temperature of 45 degrees, north and south can be planted. The benefit is 10 times faster than that of fast growing Yang. Nursery cuttings need to plant 10,000 knots per acre. For the species price: 3,500 yuan for extra-species, 3,000 yuan for one-level species, and 300 yuan for 300 yuan for mail, and 5,000 for 4 knots. (The south of the Yangtze River can be planted from December to April, and the northern region can be planted from February to May).