
来源 :思想理论教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pkpm1
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思想政治教育共同体的形成,需要一个自觉的理性的建构过程。建立在社会制度基础上的利益、目标和价值等因素的统一固然是根本性的,但思想政治教育运行中系统内部交往关系和教育范式的自我建构也是不能忽视的。以马克思的交往实践理论为思想基础,借鉴西方哲学主体间性理论学养的合理成分,认识和把握社会主义制度条件下思想政治教育系统内部主体间性交往关系存在的合理性,形成主体间性思想政治教育范式,对于思想政治教育共同体具有建构意义。主体间性思想政治教育范式基于特定的思想政治教育实践,包含交往式教育、对话式教育和生活世界的交融等基本的教育形式和构成要素。 The formation of a community of ideological and political education requires a conscious and rational process of construction. The unification of interests, goals, values ​​and other factors based on the social system is of fundamental nature. However, the self-construction within the system and the education paradigm in the operation of ideological and political education can not be neglected. Based on Marx’s theory of communicative practice and based on the rational components of the inter-subjectivity theory of western philosophy, we can recognize and grasp the rationality of the inter-subjectivity relations in the ideological and political education under the conditions of the socialist system and form the inter-subjectivity The paradigm of political education has a constructive meaning for the community of ideological and political education. The inter-subjectivity ideological and political education paradigm is based on the specific practice of ideological and political education and includes the basic educational forms and components of communicative education, dialogue education and living world blending.
<正> 本可降解塑料是以淀粉为生物降解剂,辅之以Fe离子的组合物为化学促降解剂,再配以其他添加剂,制成在环境作用下能自毁的包装用膜和其他一次性使用的塑料制品,如垃极袋、
<正> 牡丹江双兴化工有限公司研制生产的新型装饰材料——立体曲面水转印披覆膜,日前通过鉴定,正式投放市场。 该材料是一种普通再生塑料,在水溶性薄膜上印制成各种仿真图案
<正> 葡萄糖异构酶能够催化D—木糖、D—葡萄糖等醛糖转化为相应的酮糖,是工业上大规模以淀粉制备高果糖浆的关键酶。高果糖浆是自60年代崛起的新食糖资源,在全世界范围内尤
<正> 多年来,车辆及设备的制造及修理工一直都是用肥皂或洗衣粉洗手。据绝大数人反映去污力不理想,尤其是对含有胶体物质及炭沉积的混合污垢就更难彻底洗净。调查表明,几乎
<正> 甘薯又称红薯、红苕、地瓜等,是一种高产量的富含维生素、胶原与粘液多糖蛋白、膳食纤维、类固醇等的粮食作物。我国甘薯总产量占全世界总产量的85%,原四川省