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安阳县地处豫北,环绕安阳市区,南与汤阴、鹤壁毗邻,北与河北磁县、临漳、涉县隔河相望,西与林州接壤,东与内黄相连。安阳县素有豫北冲要之称,京广铁路、石武高铁、京深高速、安林高速、107国道穿境而过。县域呈横带状,总面积1201平方公里,耕地面积107万亩,全县总人口近百万,其中农业人口81.85万人,占全县总人口的87.6%。安阳县不仅是农业大县、工业强县,也是文化名县,著名的曹操墓、帝都殷墟、西门豹治邺、甲骨文、马氏庄园等名胜古迹,璀璨夺目。2010年以来,安阳县委、县政府在安阳市委、市政府的正确领导下,紧紧围绕省委、省政府“建设中原经济区”的宏伟蓝图,坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,牢牢抓住发展第一要务,始终把握“四个重在”实践要领,团结带领全县人民,按照“争创全省经济前十强、构建和谐亮丽安阳县”的总体目标,拉高标杆、真抓实干、做强工业、抓好农业、加快发展第三产业,经济社会发展呈现好的态势,全县生产总值完成286.38亿元,同比增长14%,人均生产总值完成32118元,增长15%,财政收入突破10亿元,增长14.2%,社会固定资产投资完成235.9亿元,增长22%。安阳县近年来的社会经济变化可谓日新月异。那么,该县在“保民生、促稳定、谋发展、构建和谐社会良好环境”等方面进展如何?本刊记者专访了安阳县委书记张保香。 Anyang County is located in northern Henan, surrounded by Anyang urban area, south and Tangyin, Hebi adjacent to the north and Hebei Cixian, Linzhang, Shexian across the river, west and Linzhou bordering the East and the yellow connected. Anyang County, known as the northern part of Hubei Chong said that the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway, Shiwu High Speed ​​Rail, Beijing-Shenzhen Expressway, Anlin Expressway, 107 State Road, passing through. The county has a horizontal belt with a total area of ​​1201 square kilometers, 1070000 acres of arable land, the county’s total population of nearly 1 million, of which agricultural population of 818,500, accounting for 87.6% of the total population of the county. Anyang County is not only a large agricultural county, industrial county, is also a famous cultural county, the famous Cao Cao Tomb, Royal Park, Ximen Bao governance, Oracle, Marshall Manor and other places of interest, dazzling. Since 2010, under the correct leadership of Anyang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, Anyang County Party Committee and County Government closely center on the magnificent blueprint of the provincial party committee and government and the “Central Plains Economic Zone” and adhere to Deng Xiaoping Theory and the “Three Represents ”Guiding ideology, thoroughly implement the scientific concept of development, firmly grasp the first priority of development, and always grasp the“ four focuses on ”practice essentials, unite and lead the people of the county, in accordance with Top ten, building a harmonious and bright Anyang County, "the overall goal, pushing up the standard, really hard work, strong industry, do a good job in agriculture, accelerate the development of the tertiary industry, economic and social development showed a good trend, the county gross domestic product 28.638 billion yuan was completed, an increase of 14% over the same period last year. GDP per capita was 32,118 yuan, an increase of 15%. Financial revenue exceeded 1 billion yuan, up 14.2%. Social investment in fixed assets was 23.59 billion yuan, up 22%. Anyang County in recent years, the social and economic changes can be described as ever-changing. So what is the progress of the county in such aspects as ensuring the people’s livelihood, promoting stability and seeking development, and building a harmonious environment? The reporter interviewed Zhang Hong, secretary of Anyang County Committee.
研究了锻造态和热处理态不同成分铝基轴承合金在油润滑条件下的摩擦行为,以及材料的硬度、热处理制度和锻造对材料耐磨性的影响。所用材料是 Al-8.5Si-3.5Cu 和 Al-15Pb-3.7Cu
橡胶止水带是防水工程中的必备产品,其拉伸强度、压缩永久变形、热老化性能是关键指标,决定着橡胶止水带的防水性能和使用寿命。 Rubber water stop is an essential produc