珍惜使命 奋勇开拓

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11月2日,云南电网公司举行2012年新提拔副处级干部培训班结业典礼,公司党组书记张慧清出席结业典礼,各个学员分别就培训感想和心得体会进行了交流。本次培训于10月28日开班,公司本部和系统各单位24名新提拔副处级领导干部集中参加脱产培训,系统学习了中长期发展战略与贯彻落实、党性修养与反腐倡廉建设、领导之道、公共危机管理与媒体应对、干部心理调适等课程,实现了学有所思、学有所获,使大家能找准定位、实现角色转变、提升综合素质、增强履职能力,达到了培训预期效果。在会上,张慧清书记说:“广大领导干部是推动公司科学发展的中坚力量,要进一步坚定 On November 2, Yunnan Power Grid Corporation held the new promotion ceremony for deputy cadre training class in 2012. Zhang Huiqing, the party secretary of the Company, attended the completion ceremony. All the participants exchanged their feelings about the training and experiences. The training took place on October 28, and 24 newly promoted leading cadres at the deputy department level of the company headquarters and various units of the system concentrated on taking part-time training and systematically studied the mid- to long-term development strategy and implementation, the party spirit cultivation and anti-corruption campaign, Leading the way, public crisis management and media response, cadre psychological adjustment and other courses, to achieve a thought-provoking, learned, so that we can pinpoint the position, to achieve the role of change, enhance the overall quality, enhance ability to perform their duties to achieve The training expected results. At the meeting, secretary-general Zhang Huiqing said: ”The vast majority of leading cadres are the backbone for promoting the scientific development of the company and should be further strengthened
一、《价格法》为什么要与WTO接轨 ⒈是WTO政策法规的要求 WTO与国际货币基金组织及世界银行共同构成世界经济发展的三大支柱.WTO规则是国际贸易法中最重要的法律制度,它的透
As we bid farewell to the memorable 2011, we usher in a year that is expected to witness more scientific and technological challenges, as well as significant so
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