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1 临床特点 ①发病年龄较轻:交界性卵巢肿瘤发病年龄为20~40岁,较卵巢癌患者明显提前。②诊断时期别较早;多数学者报道,此类患者确定诊断时Ⅰ期占50%~80%,Ⅱ期10%~30%,Ⅲ期5%~28%,无Ⅳ期患者。Kodar研究发现,Ⅰ期患者无转移瘤存在,Ⅱ、Ⅲ期患者以盆腔内播散、腹膜及腹膜后淋巴结的多源种植为主,只有极少数(3.3%~10%)表现为高分化癌样病理组织学变化。③预后相对良好:卵巢交界性肿瘤的生物学行为特征是低速生长,转移率低,以局部扩散和盆腔 1 clinical features ① age of onset less: borderline ovarian cancer incidence of 20 to 40 years old, significantly higher than those in patients with ovarian cancer. ② earlier diagnosis; most scholars reported that such patients to determine the diagnosis of stage Ⅰ accounted for 50% to 80%, Ⅱ 10% to 30%, Ⅲ 5% to 28%, no Ⅳ patients. Kodar study found that patients with stage Ⅰ no metastases exist, stage Ⅱ, Ⅲ patients with pelvic disseminated peritoneal and retroperitoneal lymph node multi-source cultivation of the main, only a very small number (3.3% to 10%) showed well-differentiated carcinoma Histopathological changes. ③ The prognosis is relatively good: the biological behavior of borderline ovarian tumors is characterized by low-speed growth, low transfer rate to local diffusion and pelvic
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