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福建作为祖国大陆的沿海开放省份之一,改革开放以来,在利用外资方面取得了卓越的成绩,其中利用台资总额仅次于港资居第二位。福建在吸引台资方面所取得的成绩,不仅仅是因为福建的近台地理优势,更是近几年来不断改善投资环境的结果。.《福建经济年鉴》资料显示,台商的经济效益普遍看好,盈利面达80%以上,①可见,其对促进福建的经济发展功不可没。吸引外资的竞争,是当今世界经济竞争的重要内容,同样地,进一步改善投资环境以扩大利用台资,是福建经济上新台阶的重要环节。基于资本本身的逐利性,资本流向总是以市 Fujian, one of the coastal open provinces on the mainland, has made outstanding achievements in utilizing foreign investment since its reform and opening up. Among them, Fujian ranks second only to Hong Kong investment in utilizing Taiwan’s total funds. Fujian’s achievements in attracting Taiwanese investment have not only resulted from Fujian’s geographical proximity to Taiwan, but also the result of continuous improvement in the investment environment in recent years. According to the “Fujian Economic Yearbook”, the economic benefits of Taiwanese businesses are generally favorable with over 80% of their profits surpassed. It can be seen that they have contributed to the economic development of Fujian Province. The competition for attracting foreign investment is an important part of the economic competition in the world today. In the same way, further improvement of the investment environment and the expansion of the use of Taiwan-funded assets are an important part of Fujian’s economic development. Based on the profit-seeking nature of capital itself, capital flows always take the city
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