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我国建筑机械的维修性工程起步较晚,由于缺乏合理的维修性设计,平均故障修复时间大大加长,维修费用增加。按维修业资料统计,故障诊断时间约占排除时间的60%。 即使判明了故障,因结构限制,分解、装配困难,加之零配件通用性差,采购或制造周期长,致使装备发生故障后不能迅速排除。下面,笔者试就提高建筑机械的先天维修性的途径简述如下。 1.提高维修性与改进原始设计方案的统一 建筑机械施工环境复杂,作业条件差,施工点分散。要使机械随时处于良好状态,首先应在原始设计时注意提高机械性能。随着科技的发展,原始设计方案也应不断改进、提高。改进机械设计方案的依据,应当来源于维修工 The maintenance engineering of China’s construction machinery started late. Due to the lack of a reasonable maintenance design, the average time to repair the fault was greatly extended and the maintenance cost increased. According to the statistics of the maintenance industry, the time for fault diagnosis accounts for about 60% of the elimination time. Even if a fault is identified, due to structural limitations, it is difficult to disassemble and assemble, combined with poor general-purpose parts and long procurement or manufacturing cycles, resulting in rapid elimination of equipment failure. Below, I try to improve the innate maintenance of construction machinery briefly described below. 1. Improve maintenance and improve the uniformity of the original design scheme Construction machinery has a complex construction environment, poor working conditions, and scattered construction sites. To keep the machine in good condition at all times, first pay attention to improving the mechanical performance in the original design. With the development of science and technology, the original design plan should also be continuously improved and improved. The basis for improving the mechanical design program should come from the maintenance engineer
有别于古希腊哲人所创始的西方原子论,中国古代哲学从先秦时代起,就形成了一种悠久的气论传统。气论哲学在中国得到了充分发展,取 Different from the Western atomic theory f
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四轮驱动拖拉机的发展,提出了从本质上系统地阐明其动力传递特点的某种理论必要性。而其目的,则不外是为了正确地设计这种拖拉机和合理地使用这种拖拉机。 本文从一般四轮驱