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继腾讯公安交管微博发布厅上线两个月之后,3月19日,公安部交管局微信公众平台“公安部交通安全微发布”正式上线,公安部交管局局长许甘露、公安部新闻中心主任郭林、腾讯微博事业部副总经理李方、公安部治安局副巡视员李剑涛、外交部新闻司网络公共外交处处长朱晓钟、国资委新闻中心网络处处长闫永等共同启动“公安部交通安全微发布”微信平台。此平台是公安部交管局与腾讯网联合打造的公众微信平台,在全国率先开展了公安交管部门官方微博、微信的“双微服务”融合。许甘露局长指出,公安部交管局微信公众平台要顺应潮流,做好以“双微”为代表的新媒体的应用;贴近主流,以服务公众为己任,办好“双微”;争当一流,人人争做“双微”达人;注意潜流,不断开拓“双微”的积极面、光明面。公安部交管局微信公众平台以提供权威交管资讯、分享安 Following the Tencent public relations microblogging microblogging release hall on the line two months later, March 19, the Ministry of Public Security Traffic Management Bureau WeChat public platform “Ministry of Public Security micro-release of traffic safety ” formally launched, Ministry of Public Security Traffic Control Secretary Xu Ganlu, Ministry of Public Security News Guo Lin, director of the center, Li Fang, deputy general manager of Tencent Weibo business department, Li Jiantao, deputy inspector of Public Security Bureau Public Security Bureau, Zhu Xiaozhong, director of Public Affairs and Foreign Affairs Office of Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Yan Yong, “Ministry of Public Security micro-release of traffic safety ” WeChat platform. This platform is the public WeChat platform jointly set up by the Ministry of Public Security and the Tencent Administration, and took the lead in the integration of the official Weibo and WeChat’s “micro-services” in the country. Director Xu Ganlu pointed out that the public platform of WeChat of the Ministry of Public Security of the Traffic Administration Bureau should follow the trend and make good use of the new media represented by “double micro”; close to the mainstream, serving the public as a responsibility and running “double micro” ; Strive for first-class, everyone striving to do “double micro ” up to people; pay attention to undercurrents, and constantly open up “double micro ” positive, bright side. Ministry of Public Security Traffic Management Bureau WeChat public platform to provide authoritative traffic control information, sharing security
杜鹃 “莫失良机啊,一年之计在于 春!”东风西渐,声声带血啼。 石榴 圆乎乎,沉甸甸,像擂鼓的锤。 不是西风吹破口,岂知腹内藏着珠 矶粒粒! 石灰 洁白如玉的品质,在烈火中炼
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