Separation of the absolute retardation fringes using polarizaton holography

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The so called polarization holography is a holographic method of recording the stateof polarizahon of the object wave by using two orthogonally polarized reference beams.Kubo et al. reported the results of the application of double-exposure polarization hol-ography to photoelasticity and the authors observed only Nisida’s fringes, dark-field is-ochromatics and Fourney’s fringes. Marwitz reported that Nisida’s fringes and twofamilies of the absolute retardations fringes can be observed simultaneously from a double-exposure hologram by using a depolarizing object wave and two reference beams, butthe two families of fringes can not be separated accurately. Ajovalasit succeeded inseparating the absolute retardation fringes accurately at any points in the whole modelfrom a single hologram with the real time holography, but in this method the loadedmodel must be perserved. This paper presents a method with which only one single The so called polarization holography is a holographic method of recording the state of polarizahon of the object wave by using two orthogonally polarized reference beams. Kubo et al. Reported the results of the application of double-exposure polarization holography to photoelasticity and the authors observed only Nisida’s fringes, dark-field is-ochromatics and Fourney’s fringes. Marwitz reported that Nisida’s fringes and twofamilies of the absolute retardations fringes can be observed simultaneously from a double-exposure hologram by using a depolarizing object wave and two reference beams, but the two families of fringes can not be separated accurately. Ajovalasit succeeded inseparating the absolute retardation fringes accurately at any points in the whole modelfrom a single hologram with the real time holography, but in this method the loadedmodel must be perserved. This paper presents a method with which only one single
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