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同志们: 这次会议,是在全党全军全国各族人民决心继承毛主席的遗志,掀起学习马列著作、毛主席著作新高潮和热烈庆祝华国锋同志任中共中央主席、中央军委主席,热烈庆祝粉碎“四人帮”反党集团篡党夺权阴谋的伟大胜利的时刻召开的。会议传达学习了中共中央十五号、十六号文件,认真学习了悼念毛主席的重要文献和中共中央关于建立伟大的领袖和导师毛泽东主席纪念堂的决定、关于出版《毛泽东选集》和筹备出版《毛泽东全集》的决定。大家一致表示,坚决拥护和热烈庆祝华国锋同志任党中央主席和中央军委主席,坚决拥护中央的两项英明决定,热烈庆祝以华国锋主席为首的党中央继承毛主席的遗志,一举粉碎王张江姚反党集团篡党夺权阴谋的伟大胜利。决心最紧密地团结在以华国锋同志为首的党中央周围,继承毛主席的遗志,更加刻苦地学习马列著作和毛主席著作,坚持以阶级斗争为纲,同王张江姚反党集团作坚决的斗争,把毛主席开创的无产阶级革命事业进行到底。 Comrades: This meeting is the determination of all ethnic groups in the whole party and army throughout the country to inherit Chairman Mao’s will, set off a study of Marxism-Leninism, a new upsurge of Chairman Mao’s work and warmly celebrate Comrade Hua Guofeng’s appointment as Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, Warmly celebrated the moment when the “gang of four” anti-party clique smashed the great victory of the party conspiracy. The meeting conveyed and studied the documents of the CPC Central Committee on the 15th and the 16th and conscientiously studied the important documents of mourning Chairman Mao and the decision of the CPC Central Committee on establishing the Chairman Mao Tse-tung Memorial Hall of great leaders and mentors, on the publication of the Selected Works of Mao Zedong and preparations for publication The Complete Works of Mao Zedong’s Decision. They all unanimously expressed their firm support and warm celebration of Comrade Hua Kuo-feng as Chairman of the Central Party Committee and Chairman of the Central Military Commission and resolutely supported the two wise decisions of the Central Government and warmly celebrated the party Central Committee headed by Chairman Hua Hua-feng inheriting Chairman Mao’s behest and smashing Wang Zhangjiang Yao Anti-Party Group Urges to Win the Great Victory of the Conspiracy Against Party Power. Determined to unite most closely around the party Central Committee headed by Comrade Hua Guofeng, to carry forward the behest of Chairman Mao, to study even more painstakingly the writings of Marxism-Lentedness and Chairman Mao, adhere to the theory of class struggle as the key link and resolutely oppose Wang Yaojiang and the anti-Party clique Struggle to bring the proletarian revolutionary cause initiated by Chairman Mao to the end.
利用Ⅰ-Ⅴ特性曲线的实验值,可以简便地计算出Sohottky势垒中准费米能级变化的曲线,对于估计深能级的荷电状态有一定意义. Using the experimental data of Ⅰ-Ⅴ character
【摘要】根据新课程标准倡导的合作学习理念,结合实践经验,探索在初中英语教学中所遇到的问题以及如何高效利用小组合作学习的模式,从而提高课堂效率以及学生英语各方面综合能力。  【关键词】初中英语课堂教学 小组合作学习高效性  《英语课程标准》明确指出教学应“创设各种合作学习的活动,促使学生互相学习,互相帮助,体验集体荣誉感和成就感,发展合作精神,并乐于与他人合作,养成和谐健康向上的品格。” 《基础教育
The AZ31 sheets were prepared by extrusion.The effects of the extrusion processing parameters including the temperature extrusion ratio,and structure of the ext
我建议,一是扩大内需,应该将解决落后地区历史欠账问题作为着力点,用好中央政府投资,改善西藏等落后地区人民的生产生活条件。二是调动社会资金,防止落后地区资金外流。 I s