
来源 :江西教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:selanyihao
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地处景德镇市中心——珠山路中段的景德镇市第七小学,创建于1940年,原名景德镇私立昭武小学,1963年定为市重点小学。现有学生1900多名,27个教学班,教职工103人。 该校以“高质量、实验型、轻负担、有特色、出人才”为办学目标。围绕这一目标学校着重抓了以下几项工作:①强化师生的政治思想教育。学校成立德育领导小组,将德育教育贯穿于学校工作的全过程,端正办学思想,把升学教育转到以提高素质为核心的国民基础教育的轨道上来。对教师加强职业道德教育,在教师中开展比“认真学习、文明教育、完成任务、团结互助、遵守制度、文体活动”的六好评比活动。在学生中以进行爱国主义、集体主义和社会主义教育为主要内容的思想政治教育。坚持升降国旗制度,开展“早读、两操、集会纪律、放学排队秩序、课间活动、文明礼貌、爱护公物和卫生”的八比竞赛。建立红领巾广播站,及时向学生进行时事宣传,表彰好人好事和批评不良现象。设立红领巾文明岗,创办“新苗”墙报,开展“雷锋、赖宁事迹鼓舞 Located in the center of Jingdezhen - the middle section of Zhushan Road, the seventh primary school of Jingdezhen City was founded in 1940. It was formerly the private Zhaowu Primary School in Jingdezhen and was designated as a key primary school in 1963. There are more than 1900 students, 27 classes, 103 faculty members. The school takes “high-quality, experimental, light burden, distinctive, and talented people” as its goal. Focusing on this target school, we focused on the following tasks: (1) Strengthen the political and ideological education of teachers and students. The school has set up a moral education leadership group to carry out moral education throughout the entire process of school work, correct the idea of ​​running a school, and transfer education for higher education to the track of national basic education with the core of improving quality. To strengthen professional ethics education for teachers, teachers should develop more than six praise and comparison activities such as “conscientious study, civilized education, completion of tasks, solidarity, mutual assistance, compliance with systems, cultural and sports activities”. Among the students, ideological and political education is focused on patriotism, collectivism, and socialist education. Persist in raising and lowering the national flag system and launch an eight-match contest of “early reading, two operations, assembly discipline, arranging queues for classes, activities between classes, civility, courtesy, love of public property and hygiene”. Establish a red-scarf radio station and conduct timely propaganda to students in recognition of good people’s good and criticism of bad phenomena. Established the Red Scarf Civilization Post, founded the “New Miao” poster, and launched “Lei Feng and Laining’s deeds.
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