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以0.5N 的~(239)Pu(NO_3)_4 (3.07×10~4Bq)沾染大鼠皮肤伤口,观察沾染后不同时间钚自伤口吸收入体内的动态分布。结果表明:局部钚残留量的变化在450天内符合 y=0.7145e~(-0·0076x)的指数方程,而骨钚含量的动态变化在450天内则符合 y′=0.0086X~(0·5041)的方程。钚沾染伤口后的远期效应为:9只动物在伤口沾染钚后的第367—478d,有5只发生了6个骨肉瘤。骨的平均剂量估算为14.17Gy。实验结果还说明:可溶性钚沾染皮肤伤口后,上止血带并不能有效地阻止钚自伤口向体内转移。在局部治疗的方案中,以手术去污效果最佳。络合剂局部注射,不仅能使伤口钚含量显著减少,而且也可减少骨钚的沉积量。钚在生产和使用过程中,发生伤口沾染的事故较为常见。伤口沾染钚的事故,国内外均有报道~([1-2])。为了进一步观察硝酸钚沾染皮肤伤口后污染物在局部的残留、体内分布、远期效应及实验治疗等,做了如下实验研究。 Rat skin wounds were stained with 0.5N ~ (239) Pu (NO_3) _4 (3.07 × 10 ~ 4Bq) and the dynamic distribution of plutonium absorbed into the body from different wounds was observed. The results show that the variation of local plutonium residue agrees with the exponential equation of y = 0.7145e ~ (-0.0076x) within 450 days, while the dynamic variation of bone plutonium content agrees with y ’= 0.0086X ~ (0 · 5041 ) Equation. The long-term effect after plutonium contamination of the wound was that in six of the nine animals, six osteosarcomas occurred in 367-478 days after the wound was contaminated with plutonium. The average bone dose was estimated at 14.17 Gy. Experimental results also show that: soluble plutonium contaminated skin wounds, the tourniquet can not effectively prevent the transfer of plutonium from the wound to the body. In the local treatment of the program, the best surgical decontamination. Local injection of complexing agent, not only can significantly reduce the plutonium content of the wound, but also reduce the amount of bone plutonium deposition. Plutonium in the production and use of the process, the occurrence of wound contamination accidents are more common. Wounds contaminated with plutonium accidents, both at home and abroad have been reported ~ ([1-2]). In order to further observe the contamination of plutonium nitrate contaminated skin wounds in the local residues, in vivo distribution, long-term effects and experimental treatment, the following experimental study.
<正>并殖吸虫病俗称肺吸虫病,除可引起肺部病变外,其成虫和童虫也可移行至人体其他部位引起感染,而大脑是最常见的肺外寄生部位[1-2]。儿童脑型并殖吸虫病(children cerebral
<正>目的 :本研究旨在明确白念珠菌胞壁不溶性β-葡聚糖(CaIG)能否诱导人角质形成细胞(KC)的产生免疫反应并探讨可能的机制。方法 :定量RT-PCR分析CaIG体外刺激人KC细胞Decti