一、前言 砂砾基层在本地区是首次使用,据外地经验介绍,这种结构不但水稳性好,并有因地制宜,就地取材,节省劳力,降低造价的优越性,具有较大的技术经济意义。茶(陵)吉(安)公路沿线盛产天然河砂砾,采备方便,在学习外地经验的基础上,试铺了9.16公里的砂砾基层,通过试铺的生产实践和半年多时间的使用观察,地区公路总段在一九七七年三、四月,组织人力对这种基层结构进行了技术调查,目的在于总结经验,探索这种
I. Introduction Gravel grassroots in the region for the first time to use, according to foreign experience, this structure not only has good water stability, and according to local conditions, local materials, save labor, reduce the superiority of cost, with greater technical and economic significance . Tea (Mausoleum) Ji (Ann) highway along the rich natural gravel, mining equipment easy to learn in the field based on the experience of the trial of 9.16 kilometers of gravel grass-roots level, through trial shop production practices and more than six months of use of observation, Regional Highway Section In March and April 1977, a manpower survey was conducted on the technical infrastructure of this grassroots structure with the purpose of summing up the experience and exploring this