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党中央、国务院提出并实施西部大开发战略,云南省委、省政府提出实施“西部大开发、科教兴滇、可持续发展,城市化”四大战略和建设“绿色经济强省、民族文化大省、国际大通道”三大目标。临沧地委、行署提出了“解放思想、抓住西部大开发的历史机遇,突出临沧特色,服务全国全省大局,以实施西部大开发统领全区经济社会发展全局”的工作思路。为地处祖国西南边陲的临沧地区水利水电事业发展带来了历史性的发展机遇。临沧地区各级党委、政府始终十分重视水利建设,通过上级的支持和全区各族人民自力更生、艰苦奋斗,建成了一大批具有公益性、基础性、资源性、经营性等特征的水利工程。但这些小型水利工程大多是在计划经济体制下建设和发展起来 The Central Party Committee and the State Council proposed and implemented the strategy of developing the western region. The Yunnan provincial party committee and the Yunnan provincial government proposed to implement the strategy of “developing the west, revitalizing Yunnan through science and education, sustainable development and urbanization” and “green economy” National culture province, the international channel “three major goals. Lincang prefectural Party committee and administrative office put forward the working idea of ​​”emancipating the mind, seizing the historic opportunity of the western development, highlighting the features of Lincang, serving the overall situation of the whole province and carrying out the overall development of the western region in economic and social development" . It has brought historic development opportunities for the development of water conservancy and hydropower in the Lincang area located in the southwestern border of the motherland. The Party committees and governments at all levels in Lincang Prefecture have always attached great importance to water conservancy construction. Through the support of their superiors and the people of all ethnic groups throughout the region, they have worked hard to build a large number of water conservancy projects with the characteristics of public welfare, basicity, resources and business operations. . However, most of these small-scale water conservancy projects are constructed and developed under the planned economy
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10月24日,广东华泰纸业有限公司首期年产40万吨新闻纸项目开工奠基典礼在广东江门市新会区双水镇广东银洲湖纸业基地举行。这标志着该项目进入实质性实施阶段。 October 24,