30项评价指标半数处于西部地区后5位 西部大开发内蒙古科技发展难占先机——全国科技进步统计监测跟踪评价之六

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本文是本刊连续第6年对全国科技进步统计监测跟踪评价进行报道的“红5月公示”、6年来,通过本刊的反映,作者所评价的内蒙古与各省区科技进步监测总体与单项指标序位和差距的变化不仅引起了自治区领导和各级科技管理部门的高度重视,而且被广泛应用于科技发展战略的制定和宏观科技政策的调整之中,充分体现了科技统计为决策服务的功能。日前,科技部公布了2001年全国及各地区科技进步统计监测结果,内蒙古科技进步综合总排序与去年相比未发生变化,继续列全国第28位。考虑到我国正在实施西部大开发战略,科学技术的支撑作用十分重要,为此,本刊商请作者在今年的科技进步监测评价中,将内蒙古的各项指.标与国家确定的其他11个西部大开发地区的指标进行比较研究,以期从一个新的角度审视我们的优势与劣势,进而创造继续发展的条件。 This article is the sixth consecutive year on the National Science and Technology Progress Statistics monitoring tracking evaluation reported “Red May publicity”, 6 years, through our correspondents reflect the evaluation of Inner Mongolia and the provinces and autonomous regions, scientific and technological progress monitoring overall and individual indicators The changes of the ordinal position and the gap not only attract the leaders of the autonomous regions and the science and technology management departments at all levels, but also are widely used in the formulation of science and technology development strategies and in the adjustment of macro-science and technology policies, fully embodying the functions of science and technology statistics in decision-making services . Recently, the Ministry of Science and Technology released the statistics on the progress of science and technology in various regions of the country in 2001 and the results showed that the overall ranking of scientific and technological progress in Inner Mongolia remained unchanged from the previous year and continued to rank 28th in the country. Considering that our country is carrying out the strategy of developing the western region, the supportive role of science and technology is very important. To this end, we invite the author to list all the indicators in Inner Mongolia and other 11 identified by the state in this year's progress monitoring and evaluation of science and technology. The comparative study on the indicators of the development of the western region in order to examine our strengths and weaknesses from a new perspective and to create the conditions for continued development.