
来源 :水土保持研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qwe007wc
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长期以来,我国在黄土高原重点产沙区,小、中、大流域的水文特征进行了动态监测,取得了大量的宝贵资料,这些信息对于有关部门和广大科研人员研究土壤侵蚀规律,以及为水土保持治理决策与措施配置提供科学依据起到重要作用。但由于已往研究手段的限制,以地貌特征(包括以土地利用方式)变化的动态检测缺乏系统研究。以地貌形态特征、土地利用方式的变化的动态检测,对于有关部门更加全面的认识地表剥蚀过程、人类活动的影响,提供了水沙检测替代不了的作用,是相关研究的重要内容之一。随着航天遥感、计算机软件技术的不断提高,将三维动态的地貌、土地利用方式与土壤侵蚀的过程相结合是交叉学科的重要研究方向。根据5期晋西王家沟小流域(从1959~1999)大比尺航片,在高程数字化模型(DEM)、正射影像图(DOM)制作的基础上,开展了40年来,以地貌特征并结合小流域水沙变化为目标的动态检测,为地貌演化、地表剥蚀过程研究提供了基础信息。 For a long time, the hydrological characteristics in key sand-producing areas, small, medium and large basins of the Loess Plateau have been dynamically monitored and a great deal of valuable information has been obtained. The information is used to study the law of soil erosion for relevant departments and researchers, Maintaining governance decisions and the allocation of measures to provide a scientific basis plays an important role. However, due to the limitations of previous research methods, there is a lack of systematic research on the dynamic detection of changes in landscape features (including land use patterns). The dynamic detection of topographic features and changes in land use patterns provides a more comprehensive understanding of the surface erosion processes and the impact of human activities by relevant departments and provides an irreplaceable role of water and sediment testing. This is one of the important aspects of related research. With the improvement of space remote sensing and computer software technology, it is an important research direction of interdisciplinary to integrate three-dimensional dynamic landscape, land use and soil erosion process. Based on the Dasha footage of the Wangjiagou Small Watershed (from 1959 to 1999) in the western part of Shanxi Province, based on the digital elevation model (DEM) and orthophoto map (DOM) production for 40 years, Combined with the dynamic change of water and sediment in small watershed, it provides the basic information for the study of terrain evolution and surface erosion process.
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