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  Host: Nijmegen in the Netherlands is not a big place. But it’s big enough for 50,000 Dutch people to be spending four days walking around the town and its surrounding area in the east of the country. Well, this Four Day March has become a popular sporting event, and something of a local festival, with hundreds of thousands of people lining the route to cheer on the participants.
  Bernhardt: (via translator) I’m Bernhardt and I’m walking for the fifth time.
  Monique: (via translator) Hi, I’m Monique, and I’m walking for the first time.
  These people are training for the big march, or “Vierdaagse,” a punishing 200 kilometers in four days. Bert van der Lans is doing the march for the 63rd time.
  Bert: (via translator) I’m 1)resolute. That’s how I was at work, too. It gives you something extra. Just don’t give up. Keep going. It’s good for your health.
  T h e f o r m e r b a n k director is proud of his medals. They’re actually official 2)decorations awarded according to an elaborate system.
  Bert: (via translator) After 25 marches, you get a different color, after 40 another, after 50 another, and with 60 you get this medal.
  His first march was way back in 1948, at the age of 15. Since then, he’s usually walked alone, except as a soldier.
  Bert: (via translator) I did the walk twice in the military, 40 kilometers with a backpack.
  Major Roelofs organizes the miltary camp. Six thousand soldiers, a third of them from abroad, are housed here. One hundred years ago, the four-day march had purely miltary purposes. Now the soldiers are in the minority, and most of the time don’t need to march 3)in step.
  Roelofs: Only in the village, to show the people they can walk the military step.
  While the army insists on 4)regiment, the four day march is usually anything but routine. The Berkelions prepare for training. Last year, the whole family took part. The parents walked, while the children cheered from the sidelines. Now they’re training together, 30 kilometers at a time. Ten-year-old Steiff has the 5)stamina, but only his sister Eline will make her debut walk. She’s 12—the minimum age to take part. Then there will be little incentives along the way.
  Connie Berkelion (Eline’s mother): We promise always, well, when you have 10 kilometers or 12 kilometers walked, then you’re going to get an ice cream or a drink, with bubbles!
  And of course there are the medals. There’s quite a collection to be had for the shorter children’s marches.   Eline: (via translator) I like the medals, but also the way people cheer me on when I walk. And I see a bit of the world.
  Everything’s still quiet in Nijmegen, but soon 50,000 people will be out pushing their feet and bodies to the limit. The psychologist Rico Schuijers has looked at what drives the Dutch to take part in this mass march.
  Rico: I think it’s a sense of…of traditon. It’s a sense of doing things together, it’s a sense of supporting people you don’t know. Alright, that you will make friends for life, if…if it’s possible, but...but it’s in…it’s in the nature of...of the Dutch people.
  Perhaps there’s a Vierdaagse virus that specifically infects the Dutch?
  Bert: (via translator) We’re all sick.
  Bert van der Lans hasn’t reached his limit yet. The Viergaagse veteran is already thinking about next year.


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