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7月28日,上百名来宾欢聚在我校大礼堂,与党校全体教职员工一道隆重庆祝建校50周年。参加庆祝活动的有:全国人大外事委员会副主任、原旅大地委党校党委委员杨振亚同志,中央党校校委委员、办公厅主任张继臣,原旅大市委书记、党校校长、辽宁省人大副主任傅忠海,辽宁省委党校副校长林志,大连市委副书记、市长薄熙来,市委副书记、党校第一校长林庆民,市委常委、宣传部长王会全,市委常委、纪委书记王希智,市委常委、副市长、大连经济技术开发区管委会主任高姿,市委常委、组织部长李信忠,市委常委、市委秘书长怀忠民,大连市民进主委、社会主义学院第一院长谭忠印.参加校庆活动的还有市各部委办局领导和各有关单位、校友代表。 On July 28, hundreds of guests gathered together in the auditorium of our school to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the university together with all the staff of the Party School. Participate in the celebrations are: deputy director of the NPC Foreign Affairs Committee, former member of the Lvda Committee Party School Party Committee members Yang Zhenya, member of the Central Party School, member of the General Office Zhang Jichen, the former secretary of the Lvda Municipal Party Committee, Party School, Liaoning Province, deputy director of Fu Zhonghai , Liaoning Provincial Party School Vice President Lin Zhi, Dalian Municipal Committee, Mayor Bo Xilai, Municipal Party Committee, Party School chief principals Lin Qingmin, Municipal Committee, Propaganda Minister Wang Huiju, Municipal Committee, Commission for Discipline Inspection Wang Xi, Municipal Committee, Vice City Chief Executive Officer of Dalian Economic and Technological Development Zone Gao Zizhi, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Committee and Minister of Organization Li Xinzhong, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Municipal Committee and Secretary General of the CPC Central Committee Huai Zhongmin, Chairman of Dalian Municipal Government and Chairman of the First Institute of Socialism Tan Zhongyin attended the celebration There are also city leaders of various ministries and offices and the relevant units, alumni representatives.
目的:   通过研究口服普萘洛尔对婴幼儿血管瘤患者尿液中基质金属蛋白酶2(MMP-2)水平的影响,进一步探讨普萘洛尔治疗血管瘤的机制。   方法:   选择中国医科大学附属口
肝细胞癌(Hepatocellular Carcinoma,HCC)是世界上排名第五位恶性肿瘤,每年由癌症导致死亡的第三大病因(1),发病率在逐渐上升。目前,肝动脉化疗栓塞术(transhepatic caterial arter
中国广播电视学会第二届学术委员会成立大会暨第一次工作会议于2004年1月16日在北京召开,中国广播电视学会 第二届学术委员会委员出席会议。 中广学会常务副会长、中广学会
A multi-parameter signal sorting algorithm for interleaved radar pulses in dense emitter environment is presented. The algorithm includes two parts, pulse class