
来源 :河南水利与南水北调 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lee_liuyun02
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作为省水利厅负责建设管理和安全监督的为民服务的窗口处室,在创先争优活动中,省水利厅建设与管理处按照厅党组的统一部署,坚持以创先争优活动为载体,强化责任意识,激发内在动力,紧紧围绕工作目标,以“质量、安全、效益”为中心,突出重点,把握关键,狠抓落实,全力推进全省重点水利建设项目、重大水利建设项目、病险水库除险加固、重点地区中小河流治理等基础设施建设和安全生产工作,努力树立窗口单位为民服务的良好形象。2010年,河南省人民政府授予省水利厅全省重点项目建设先进单位,省人力资源和社会保障厅、省水利厅联合授予建设与管理处(安全监督处)河南省水利系统先进集体。 As a provincial water conservancy agency responsible for the construction management and safety supervision of the public service window office, in the activity of creating excellence, the Provincial Department of Water Resources Construction and Management Office in accordance with the unified arrangements of the hall party, adhere to the activity of creating a superior activity as a carrier , Strengthen the sense of responsibility, stimulate internal motivation, focus on the work objective, center on “quality, safety and efficiency ”, give prominence to the key points, grasp the key points, pay close attention to the implementation and vigorously promote key water conservancy construction projects in the province and major water conservancy construction Projects, dangerous reservoirs reinforcement, medium and small river management in key areas such as infrastructure construction and safety work, and strive to establish a window unit for the public good image of service. In 2010, Henan Provincial People’s Government awarded the provincial water conservancy department key units in the province advanced units, the provincial human resources and Social Security Department, the provincial Department of Water Resources jointly awarded the Construction and Management Office (Safety Supervision Department) advanced collectives of Henan Province water conservancy system.
目的 观察补肾利咽饮干预卒中后假性延髓麻痹(肾虚血瘀痰阻证)吞咽障碍对卒中相关性肺炎的影响.方法 将患者按随机数字表法分为治疗组与对照组,两组均给予常规治疗与康复训练
目的 比较老年胆囊疾病患者腹腔镜胆囊切除术(LC)与开腹胆囊切除术(OC)的手术效果,分析LC的临床优点和探讨老年胆囊疾病适宜的手术方法.方法 92例老年胆囊疾病患者据手术方式