Anti-microbial Activities of Protic Ionic Liquids Studied with Microcalorimetry Method

来源 :Chemical Research in Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangdaojin
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The anti-microbial activities of seven protic ionic liquids(ILs) against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus were studied by a micro-calorimetric method at 310 K.The bacterial growth rate constants were determined based on the bacterial growth power-time curves,andminimum biocidal concentrations were estimated.The results indicate that the protic ILs studied show inhibitory activities on the bacteria,implying a potential eco-toxicity to the microorganisms in the water system.Moreover,the inhibition effect of ionic liquids is related to the structure of the cation and anion of protic ILs.This type of proactive approach could aid in the assessment of the greenness of ILs to be used in the future. The anti-microbial activities of seven protic ionic liquids (ILs) against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus were studied by a micro-calorimetric method at 310 K. The bacterial growth rate constants were based on the bacterial growth power-time curves, and minimum biocidal concentrations were estimated. These results indicate that the protic ILs studied show inhibitory activities on the bacteria, implying a potential eco-toxicity to the microorganisms in the water system. Moreover, the inhibition effect of ionic liquids is related to the structure of the cation and anion of protic ILs.This type of proactive approach could aid in the assessment of the greenness of ILs to be used in the future.
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