A Preliminary Study of Komatiites in Anshan-Benxi-Fushun Region,Northeast China

来源 :Geochemistry(English Language Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoppqq
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Discovered for the first time in the Lower Anshan Group with a metamorphic grade fromamphibolite to granulite facies,komatiites occur as bedded ultramafic volcanic rocks on theocean-floor.The komatiites in the Anshan-Benxi-Fushun region occurring in the metamorphicrocks are some monomineralic rocks such as hornblendite,clinopyroxene and hypersthenite.Local komatiites are found retaining some typical pre-existing structures and textures of vol-canic rocks,such as blastovariolitic and blastodoleritic textures.The chemical composition ofkomatiites in this region is much similar to that of other well-known model komatiites in theworld,and so are their geochemical characteristics.The occurrence of komatiites in the Anshan-Benxi-Fushun region provides strong evidenceshowing that this region is an Archean greenstone belt.Studies on komatiites in this regionwill shed much light on the stratigraphic division of the Anshan Group and the paleo-stru-cture of the greenstone belt as well as on the rules governing metallogenesis in the Anshan-Benxi-Fushun region. Discovered for the first time in the Lower Anshan Group with a metamorphic grade fromamphibolite to granulite facies, komatiites occur as bedded ultramafic volcanic rocks on theocean-floor. The komatiites in the Anshan-Benxi-Fushun region occurring in the metamorphicrocks are some monomineralic rocks such as hornblendite, clinopyroxene and hypersthenite. Local komatiites are found retaining some typical pre-existing structures and textures of vol-canic rocks, such as blastovariolitic and blastodoleritic textures. The chemical composition of komatiites in this region is much similar to that of other well-known model komatiites in theworld, and so are their geochemical characteristics.The occurrence of komatiites in the Anshan-Benxi-Fushun region provides strong evidenceshowing that this region is an Archean greenstone belt. Buddies on komatiites in this regionwill shed much light on the stratigraphic division of the Anshan Group and the paleo-stru-cture of the greenstone belt as well as on the r ules governing metallogenesis in the Anshan-Benxi-Fushun region.
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