《化学教育》期刊创办于1980年,现由中国科学技术协会主管,中国化学会、北京师范大学主办,国际发行代号为M3070,国内邮发代号为2-106,国际标准刊号为ISSN 1003-3807,国内统一刊号为CN 11-1923/O6。《化学教育》的办刊宗旨是:在国家有关政策方针的指导下,放眼化学学科和科学教育的发展方向,为提高我国化学教育工作者的业务水平服务,为促进我国化学教育领域的学术交流服务,为推动我国化学教育事
The Chemical Education Journal was founded in 1980 and is sponsored by China Association for Science and Technology, sponsored by the Chinese Chemical Society and Beijing Normal University. The international issue code is M3070, the domestic postal code is 2-106, and the international standard issue is ISSN 1003- 3807, the domestic unified serial number CN 11-1923 / O6. Under the direction of the state’s relevant policy guidelines, Chemical Education aims to promote the development of chemistry and science education, enhance the professionalism of chemical education workers in our country, and promote academic exchange in the field of chemistry education in our country Service, to promote China’s chemical education