各省、自治区、直辖市卫生厅局,新疆生产建设兵团卫生局: 近来,我部在检查中发现,部分地方卫生监督制、着装工作管理混乱,存在擅自改变或增加制服标志,制服颜色、式样和制服标志不统一等问题;少数卫生监督员着装风纪不严,衣冠不整,影响卫生行政执法整体形象。为加强卫生监督制、着装管理,维护卫生监督队伍着装的统一性和严肃性,树立良好的卫生行政执法形象,卫生部制定了《卫生监督制、着装管理规定》(以下简称《规定》),现印发给你们,请组织落实。现就进一步规范卫生监督制、着装管理的有关事项通知如下:
Recently, the Ministry of Health found that in some inspections, some local health supervision systems and dress work management were in disorder. There were unauthorized changes or additions of uniforms, uniforms of colors, patterns and uniforms Signs are not uniform and other issues; a small number of health inspectors dress style is not strict, disheveled, affecting the overall health administrative law enforcement image. In order to strengthen the health supervision system and dress management, safeguard the unity and seriousness of the health supervision team dress and establish a good image of health administrative law enforcement, the Ministry of Health has formulated the Provisions on Health Inspection and Dress Management (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”), Now issued to you, please organize the implementation. Now further regulate the health supervision system, dress management related matters as follows: