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在滇池西山龙门上远眺昆明城,目力所及之处,安石公路与滇池路立交路口正是由市区到滇池国家旅游渡假区的必经之地,一幢挺拔的高层建筑披挂着满身脚手架巍然屹立,俯瞰着南来北往的车流.它就是云南省消防指挥中心——一个让全省消防官兵们引以自豪的名字.指挥中心大楼占地面积800平方米,分为地下1层、地上12层(局部14层),结构高度(含结构支架)为55米,抗震为9度设防,总面积为1万平方米,工程预计将于今年底峻工交付使用,届时将极大地改善云南省消防总队的办公条件,充分发挥先进指挥通讯系统的功能,使我省消防部队更好地发挥防火灭火、抢险救灾和处置各种紧急事件的作用.消防总队党委对这一工程给予了极大的重视和支持,多次召开办公会议商议各项工程事宜,总队领导多次深入施工现场了解工程进度情况,现场商议解决施工中遇到的困难,并尽可能为基建办配备了必要的人员和车辆.李文祥总队长经常深入工程第一线听取基建办的意见和建议,并多次亲自出面与昆钢领导协调,较好地解决了钢材供应问题,为加快工程进度起到了决定作用,为基建办排了忧、解了难.他还曾与具体负责该工程建设的王子岗副总队长一起数次与施工人员一起坚守工地干通宵,对施工质量严格把关,鼓励大家以高昂的斗志投入工作.领导的身体力行,使负责工 Looking at the Kunshan City on the west gate of Dianchi Lake, the intersection of Anshi Road and Dianchi Road is the only way from the downtown to the Dianchi National Tourism Resort. A tall and straight high-rise building is overhanging. Scaffolding stands upright and overlooks the traffic flow from south to north. It is the Yunnan Fire Command Center - a name that makes the province’s firefighters proud. The command center building covers an area of ​​800 square meters, divided into underground 1st floor, 12 floors above ground (local 14 floors), structural height (including structural supports) of 55 meters, earthquake resistance of 9 degrees fortification, total area of ​​10,000 square meters, the project is expected to be completed by the end of this year, will be used Greatly improve the office conditions of the Yunnan Fire Corps and give full play to the functions of the advanced command and communication system, so that our province’s fire-fighting force can better play the role of fire prevention, fire rescue and disaster relief and disposal of various emergencies. The fire brigade party committee on this project Great attention and support were given. The office meeting was held several times to negotiate various engineering matters. The leader of the corps went to the construction site several times to understand the progress of the project and discussed on site to solve the difficulties encountered during construction. The necessary staff and vehicles were allocated to the Infrastructure Office. The head of the Li Wenxiang team always listened to the views and suggestions of the Infrastructure Construction Office on the first line of the project and coordinated with the leaders of the Kunming Steel Group several times in person to better solve the problem of steel supply. The progress of the project has played a decisive role and has given rise to worry and difficulties for the Infrastructure Construction Office. He also worked with the construction staff on the construction site for several times together with the deputy head of the deputy chief of the construction of the project, and worked closely with the construction personnel to ensure the strict construction quality. Encourage everyone to work hard with high morale.
诸葛亮是三国时期著名的政治家和军事家,关于他,世上流传着许多脍炙人口的故事。下面是一组由诸葛亮的故事组成的歇后语,它们的后半部分都是常用的成语。 Zhuge Liang is a
8月2日 晴  我家有一位幽默大王,你们猜猜他是谁?  他有魁梧的身材,葡萄般大小的眼睛,一米八的大高个,还有一张时常会变换夸张表情的面孔。  每当我弹琴弹累了的时候,老爸就会坐在我身后,拍拍胸脯说:“宝贝,坐我这儿来。”他两腿放在琴凳上,正好夹住我的身体。我呢,便顺势躺倒在他的身体上。一次美美的按摩便开始了,只见他一会儿捏捏肩膀,一会捶捶大腿、后背,还时不时地挠一挠我的胳肢窝,痒得我哈哈大笑。他
8月16日 晴  “蒋沛言,这个黄色的轴套怎么才能装上去?”“逗爸,这个马达要怎么接线呀?”你知道我们在干什么吗?告诉你吧!我们正在动手制作四足爬行机器人呢!  我们先从逗爸那儿领取了一份制作材料。接着逗爸向我们展示了他已经制作好的四足爬行机器人模型。好家伙!瘦长的四条腿,小巧的身子,一按开关,它就能在地上爬行!真的好神奇!我非常激动,恨不得立刻就做好一个玩一玩!这时,逗爸开讲了。他为我们一一介绍
法国著名女数学家索菲娅·热尔曼堪称数学家中的花木兰。她对数学的疯狂喜爱和执著追求,不仅使她在数学上取得了杰出成就、在数学历史上大放光彩,还鼓舞了许多女性朝数学之路勇敢地前进。    立志献身数学    1776年,热尔曼出生在法国首都巴黎。热尔曼小时候很内向,但她天资聪颖,自学了拉丁语和希腊文。她还对文艺很感兴趣哦,13岁那年,热尔曼读到了一本数学史,里面说到古希腊大科学家阿基米德的死:罗马军破城