The Causes and Countermeasures of English Learning-Weariness

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  Abstract: English, as a world’s leading international language. We all know the importance of learning it. However, some teachers and educationists admire that current students’ English quality are getting worse and worse. It is a universal phenomenon that majority of students are tired of learning English. The feeling of weariness made the English teaching more difficult in our country. How to help the students out of English weariness has become a problem that cannot be ignored. This paper aims to analysis of the causes and to propose countermeasures to improve the situation.
  Key words: English learning; weariness of learning; learning enthusiasm;
  1. Introduction
  As reformation of education and widespread of quality-oriented education ,our country have been make a large progress and contribute in the field of English education, from the nine-year compulsory education to the higher education. We have already made so gigantic achievement that almost every child has opportunity to receive English education. Moreover, after China enter into the WTO on November 10th, 2001 in Doha Qatar. English are playing an increasingly important role in the international affairs and intercultural communication. But English teachers and Educational experts face many troubles in teaching. Many students are tired of learning English in the school. As a student, usually full of passion and thirst for knowledge, but the number of this kind of students shrinks in the process of teaching. If things continue this way, on one hand, it can influence the quality of English teaching and the development of education; on the other hand, it can breed some mentality deviation successors. In this way, help the students out of English weariness and stimulate learning enthusiasm is very important to the teaching.
  2. The concept of weariness of learning
  Weariness of learning, in a word, means students sick of studying or passive learning, they have no interest in study, no learning enthusiasm, such as, weary with school, disgusted with school, dislike of school, being weary of studying, hooky, dropout, drag, learning burnout and so on. As a teacher, we always find this kind of students in the process of English teaching. They were bored of English and learned it because they were required to do it. Many students lost interest in learning English, and even started to hate it. One survey in my class shows that 63% of students expressed they are tired of English study, their basic drive to learn English is the exam, for example, the CET. the purpose of learning English merely is to pass the exam and get a diploma. This phenomenon brings lots of difficulty and jamming to English teaching, direct influence the mind of English teacher and other student’ attitude. As a Chinese saying goes, “a speck of mouse dung will spoil a whole pot of porridge”. So how to help student get rid of English weariness and help them improve their learning enthusiasm is a problem trouble the field of education and experts of education. Help student overcoming English weariness emotion also become a difficult and important point to be a teacher.   3. The reason for learning weariness
  The reasons for the English learning weariness consist of external factors and internal factors. External factors include social factors, school and family factors. Internal factor refers to student individual himself.
  3.1 External reasons
  3.1.1 Social aspects
  On one hand, in modern society, education is part and parcel of our life. But the situation of education in our country is not good. our country’s traditional exam-oriented education make the students weariness of learning, many students learn English in order to pass the examination, such as entrance examination to the senior High school, college entrance examination, cet-4, cet-6 and so on. In order to enter a satisfying university and getting a well-played job, students must try their best to achieve these goals under the pressure of exam. And teachers themselves are often judged by examination results, they are reduced to training their students in exam techniques which they despise. The content of education departing from practicality, the knowledge they have learnt is no use to their life except examination. What’s more, after graduation, the English they learnt in school cannot link up with practice. In view of this, most of students think “studying English is useless, learning English is useless”.
  3.1.2 School aspects
  Poor English teaching quality also take responsible for English weariness. It is believed that every English learner in china can tell many stories about their bitter experiences in learning English. In the field of English teaching in china, there is a sentence “high grades, low ability.” That means the students who are able to pass English examination with high grades are actually poor at using the language. After ten years of English learning, most of the students cannot properly communicate with foreigners, nor can they translate between languages with confidence, let alone write in English. The teacher-centered English teaching method still dominant in our school, English teachers in china just concentrate on grammar, reading and not on conversation, listening, thus which leads students to lack the ability of communication. It is still very common that the teacher explains every language point in detail, with students taking notes all the time. That lead students lose interest in English learning. It is known to all that interest is the best teacher, but a large part of English teachers underestimate the effect of interest and keeps preaching in class.   3.1.3 Family aspect
  Lack of good family learning environment also the one of important reasons of weariness of English learning. From kindergarten to higher education, most of parents think that school should take all the responsibility to take care of their child. The duty of parents is pay tuition and checks the school report. If the result of report satisfies their expectation that means their child has a good teacher and school. Otherwise, their child too naughty to studying, and teacher should take this responsibility. What’s more, many parents never learned English in their time, so, child can not get supplementary English teaching from their parents and parents unwilling to keep contact with teachers. In that way, most students learn knowledge under the pressure of hope of their parents.
  3.2 Internal reasons
  Weariness of English learning is the students intrinsic response of deny learning, students play main role in learning. So the reason of students’ themselves is the internal reason of learning weariness. We all know that external causes become operative through internal causes. For one thing, nowadays, many families have only one child, parents govern everything and solve every problem for them. Although many students want study English in their heart, they give up halfway because language study is a hard work need patience and should carry through firmly to the end. Once face difficulty in learning, they will fall back, fear to study.
  4. The countermeasures of learning weariness
  Globalization, the growing integration of economies and societies around the world, is an irresistible trend of world development so as to make the link between countries more closely, and therefore, English as a common language is very necessary for the development of one country. It’s necessary to learn English because it is the inevitable trend of social development. So we need propose some specific and practical countermeasures to preventing the English weariness.
  4.1 Change our country’s current education concept
  Our country should notice our education fairness, change our traditional principle of education that uses the school record as a frame of reference to gauge whether the student success or failure in life. This standard of judgment disconnects social reality. Current country’s education model, “exam-oriented education” has many shortcomings. It made us teaching for examination and learning for examination. It may be a good means of testing memory but they can tell nothing about a person’s true ability and aptitude. For the student is the future of our nation, in order to adapting to the increasingly rapid development of economy and society, improving the level of educations. The education department should adopted many beneficial measures dealing with this imbalance phenomena.   4.2 Reform our teaching material and teaching method
  As a teacher, from the emotional aspect, we should have a keen sense of responsibility to students, change the role of ourselves, we are not only teacher to students but also parents. School is a place where children will feel the love not only from classmates but also from teacher. We should use our patience and carefulness with them and keep in mind that if the student made a mistake, criticize and insult only make the problem becomes more serious and hurt the self-respect of students.
  4.3 Stimulate students’ learning interest
  It’s proved that good study interest is the most effective drive of study. Interest can push forward people to learn and act actively, and surely interest is a decisive factor, which influences one’s motivation attitudes and perseverance. Confucius, the great educationalist of ancient china, once pointed out: “The man who knows it is not as good as the man who likes it; the man who likes it is not as good as the man who takes delight in it.” So the teacher should use all kinds of ways to arouse students’ interest in learning.
  The present English teachers’ situation teaching in china is dominated, to a large extent, by the teacher-centered, text-oriented practices; and little attention is paid to the training of the students’ interest. The main task of students is to listen and take notes and some even fell asleep. They only accept the knowledge passively given by teacher, instead of being active understand and use the knowledge. No wonder student weary of learning English. We all know that the formation of learning interest relies on the cultivation of leaning interest. So, we should improve classroom instruction and stimulate the students’ interest in study. English teachers should adding emotional education, change their traditional teaching methods to adapt the needs of students.
  5. Conclusion
  The purpose of English learning is to promote the students’ all-round development witch reading, writing, speaking and listing are all needed. In order to reach this goal, English teachers try very hard to find out the most efficient and effective ways to overcome the English weariness in teaching. We should try our best to help and guide the students if they are in trouble in English studying. Interest is an indispensable factor in foreign language. So students’ learning interest should be initially taken into account in English teaching-learning process, and how to help students develop the interest in English studying becomes more important in the process of teaching, only changing our idea of education and overcoming “learning weariness emotion”, can student inspire learning enthusiasm. Combine the learning with the interest, make the learning environment more relaxing and joyful, only in this way, can the students learn English high quality and more efficiency. Actually get rid of learning weariness.
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  作者简介:江蕾,女,1985.11.23生,汉族,学位:学士 ,职称:助教,研究方向:英语教学
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Abstract:As achieving cross-culture communication is the final aim of learning English, it turns out to be inefficient to attach more importance on the ability of listening, speaking, reading, writing