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这些年,青年当代艺术家的展览出现扎堆的现象,而对于青年艺术家作品和操作模式的批评也变得越来越尖锐。操作模式方面的批评主要是指对青年话题的过度消费以及代际划分的合理性;而作品本身的批评则主要是针对其小清新趣味和设计化的创作方式。的确,现在不少青年当代艺术家的作品太过小资、小调、小智慧,而缺乏强烈的社会、政治、思想以及视觉的撞击感。我想,我们可以指责音年当代艺术家的媚俗、缺乏时代的担当精神,但是我们是不 In recent years, the exhibitions of young contemporary artists have been crowding together, and criticisms of young artists’ works and modes of operation have also become increasingly acute. Criticism of modes of operation mainly refers to the excessive consumption of youth topics and the rationality of intergenerational division. The criticism of the work itself is mainly directed at its small freshness and design. Indeed, many contemporary young artists now have too much petty bourgeoisie, minor tricks, and little wisdom, without a strong sense of social, political, ideological, or visual impact. I think we can accuse kitsch of contemporary artists of Yinyin, lacking the spirit of the times, but we are not
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这位高年资主治医生对实习医生说 :“就让这件事成为我们大家共同的教训吧。”他认为所有人都应从这一事件中吸取三方面的教训 ,即 :为腹痛作鉴别诊断时要考虑到心肌梗死的可