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广州作为千年商都,其城市商贸空间跟随城市的发展,一直处于更新演变之中,并且在不同的历史时期均有其鲜明的特点。但在近些年,广州的老城区呈现出更新动力不足的趋势,老城设施陈旧、人口流失、房屋失修、房屋空置率提高等问题,引起社会各界广泛关注。为找寻突破口,该文借助康泽恩城市形态学分析法,回溯城市物质形态的历史过程,结合城市空间结构演变机制理论,以状元坊这一著名商业街为例,分析广州历史城区商贸空间在不同时期其演变的特点及动因,并从政府力、市场力、社会力三大影响因素,指出广州城市更新动力来源及特点,分析导致衰败的原因,发掘未来能够推动历史城区更新的着力点。 As a city with a thousand years of business, Guangzhou's urban commerce space has followed the development of the city and has been in the process of renewal and evolution, with distinctive features in different historical periods. However, in recent years, the old urban area of ​​Guangzhou has shown a tendency of lack of renewed impetus, problems such as outdated facilities in the old city, population loss, disrepair of housing and the increase of the vacancy rate of houses, arousing widespread concern in the community. In order to find a breakthrough, this paper analyzes the historical and commercial space of Guangzhou Historical City at different periods with the aid of Kang Zien-en's morphological analysis method and the historical process of urban physical form. Combined with the evolution mechanism theory of urban spatial structure, The characteristics and motivation of its evolution, and points out the sources and characteristics of Guangzhou's renewal power from the three influencing factors of government power, market power and social power, analyzes the causes of the decline and explores the future force that will promote the renewal of the historic city.
In order to study the compressive property of corroded concrete,accelerated corrosion test were performed on concrete C30.6 corrosive solutions,including hydrau
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