
来源 :亚太经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenweifan
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The Return Of HongKong Changes the relationship among Fujian,HongKong and Taiwan. If We make good use of this Change, the event means development Opportunities for all the three regions. But it is particuarly favorable for Fujian Because its position is Special. The Opportunities for Fujian bear three Characteristics: 1. The Short and uncertain of partly direct navigation 2. The small of Opportunity energy. 3. The Scatter of Opportunity relate to overall situation. So in Which Level this opportunty will change Fujian economy depends on how Fujian work in a no long time. The Return Of HongKong Changes the relationship among Fujian, HongKong and Taiwan. If We make good use of this Change, the event means development Opportunities for all the three regions. But it is particuarly favorable for Fujian. Fujian The three things: 1. The Short and uncertain of part direct navigation 2. The small of Opportunity energy. 3. The Scatter of Opportunity relate to overall situation. So in Which Level this opportunty will change Fujian economy depends on how Fujian work in a no long time.
In view of the similarity of the charge distribution between fibrin A_α148--161 and Achain 149--157 of urokinase,the latter might compete with fibrin A_α148--
马克思 烟瘾极大的马克思可说是烟不离手。他在流亡巴黎、伦敦时,生活极为艰难,主要靠典当维持生计,但雪茄仍是他的必需品。他曾说过,《资本论》的稿费还不够偿付写作时吸掉
经过实验筛选,第一次采用聚锑酸Polyan HT为吸附剂,HCl-(NH_1)_2C_2O_4为淋洗剂,制备了~(14)Ti-~(44)Sc发生器。~(44)Sc对~(44)Ti的分离因子大于10~6,~(44)Sc的回收率为80%左