全市两级检察机关在荣获2001-2002年度市文明行业、省创建文明行业工作先进单位的荣誉称号后,自我加压, 勇攀新高,广泛深入地开展新一轮市文明行业的争创活动。两级院领导班子率先垂范,自我标杆。坚持做到带头勤政廉政,带头攻坚克难,带头济贫帮困。将争创活动摆上“一号工程”、“一把手”工程的突出位置。经考核,基层检察长优秀称职率、班子满意、基本满意率分别达95%和90%以上,9个基层院中有6个被地方党委评为“团结、廉洁、高效、开拓”好班子;市检察院和市(县)、区9个基层院全部被所在地党委评为文明机关或先进单位。
After proclaiming the honor of the city’s civilized industry in 2001-2002 and the advanced unit of civilization in the province, the procuratorial organs at both prefectures and municipalities self-imposed pressure and bravely climbed new heights to extensively and deeply carry out striving activities in a new round of civilized industries. Two leading hospital leadership set an example, self-standard. Insist on taking the lead in diligence and integrity, take the lead in tackling difficulties and take the lead to help the poor and help the poor. Will be striving to create a “project number one”, “number one” project prominence. After examination, the grass-roots Attorney General’s outstanding post-holding rate, team satisfaction and basic satisfaction rate reached 95% and 90% respectively, and 6 of the 9 grassroots units were appraised as a good team of “united, honest, efficient and pioneering” by local Party committees; City Procuratorate and city (county), district 9 grassroots hospital all the local party committee as civilized organ or advanced unit.