Grand Opening

来源 :BEIJING REVIEW | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangruidao10
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  people around the world hailed the opening of the 2010 WorldExpo on the evening of April 30, a proud curtain-raising ceremonyfeaturing a hi-tech display of dazzling artistic performances, laserlights and fireworks. Around 8,000 spectators watched the two-hour opening ceremony on the Expo site live, including ChinesePres dent Hu Jintao and 20 foregn leaders.
Last summer, I decided my impend-ing move to Beijing should coincide with a shift in emphasis to health. Gone would be the all-night par-des of my previous life in central Europe; in would come morn t
The Minister of Environmental Protection pushes for cleaner communities in China.
A migrant worker's struggle raises national awareness of occupational diseases.
As China regains its pre-crisis momentum, the country's regional economic prowess is beginning to emerge.
Chinese as well as international buyers are showing great interest in collecting.
Hainan gears up to become an international tourist destination.    The State Council on January 4 issuedthe Guidelines on Promoting Hainan asan International Tourist Destination
The number of labor disputes has soared and fairness remains elusive.
China's top comb maker aims to sell its high-end hand-crafted products to overseas customers while improv-ing its brand image.
China's most influential public education project offers hope to poor students.
As relief work in Yushu enters a new phase, the psychological health recovery ofpeople in the earthquake zone becomes one of the priorities    Nearly a month after the 7.1-magnitude earthquake reduced