
来源 :中国临床康复 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lsfgis
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背景:微量元素是人体中微量元素含量的重要指标,能够显示人体健康与营养状况的种种信息。因此进行有关儿童发中微量元素随年龄变化的规律及其相关性,合理调节儿童营养有十分重要意义。目的:通过大量随机的儿童发样中微量元素的含量的测量和统计,发现儿童发中微量元素锌、钙随年龄变化的规律,为研究和制定儿童发中微量元素的标准和合理地调节儿童营养提供了理论依据,具有很好的指导意义。设计:随机抽样调查研究。地点、对象和方法:选取廊坊市文安县6岁以下儿童的发样,样品经洗涤干燥,准确称量,干法灰化,用1∶1盐酸提取,用10g/LSrCl2溶液定容,选取仪器最优化条件,火焰原子吸收法测定。对测定结果进行统计分析,随机抽取1000多份年龄为几天至6岁儿童的发样测定结果分年龄段进行统计,取各个年龄段结果的平均值。主要观察指标:不同年龄对应的锌、钙含量比较。结果:发现新生儿(4个月以内)发中锌、钙的含量均较高,至6个月以后,其含量逐渐降低,到1.5~2.5岁左右处于一段低谷,到3岁以后锌、钙的含量又有所增高。如:2个月以内的儿童发中锌、钙的含量的平均值分别为:190,1432μg/g;18个月儿童发中锌、钙的含量的平均值分别为:115,412μg/g;72个月(6岁)儿童发中锌、钙的含量的平均值分别为:147,606μg/g。结论:学龄前 Background: Trace elements are an important indicator of trace elements in the human body and can display various information about human health and nutritional status. Therefore, children’s hair in the trace elements with the age changes in the law and its relevance, reasonable regulation of children’s nutrition is of great significance. OBJECTIVE: To find out the regularity of the trace elements zinc and calcium in children’s hair with the age through the measurement and statistics of a large number of random samples of children’s hair, to study and formulate the standard of children’s hair microelements and to reasonably regulate the children Nutrition provides a theoretical basis, has a good guiding significance. Design: Random sample survey. Location, Subjects and Methods: Samples of children under 6 years of age were collected from Wen’an County, Langfang City. Samples were washed and dried, accurately weighed, dried and ashed, extracted with 1: 1 hydrochloric acid and fixed with 10 g / Optimization conditions, flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The results of the statistical analysis of random sampling of more than 1,000 children aged several days to 6 years old hair samples measured results by age statistics, take the average of the results of all age groups. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Comparison of zinc and calcium contents at different ages. Results: The contents of zinc and calcium in hair of newborns (within 4 months) were found to be high. After 6 months, the content of zinc and calcium decreased gradually, reaching a low valley from 1.5 to 2.5 years old. After 3 years of age, the contents of zinc and calcium The content has increased. Such as: children within two months of zinc hair, calcium content of the average were: 190,1432μg / g; 18-month children hair zinc, calcium content of the average were: 115,412μg / g; 72 Months (6 years) children hair zinc, calcium content of the average were: 147,606μg / g. Conclusion: Preschool
河南万基铝箔项目的工厂设计独具特色,即将4台铝箔轧机布置在+6.000 m的二层平台上.本文介绍了河南万基铝箔的二层布置情况,并分析了这一配置形式的生产过程及优缺点.