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中国著名风景区江西庐山,有一家十分独特的电影院。20多年来,这家电影院一直坚持不懈地放映着同一部电影,并为此而创造了电影史上一项吉尼斯世界纪录。这家电影院就是全国唯一一家以一部电影命名的电影院——庐山恋电影院。 20多年来,庐山恋电影院观众来了就放映《庐山恋》电影,最奇怪的是唯有放映《庐山恋》这部电影观众才能前呼后拥地入场观看,若放映其他片子,便一下子失去了吸引力。由于《庐山恋》循环往复地、日复一日地放映着,这家电影院终于在平凡中创造了奇迹,为中国电影放映业在世界上争得了一份殊荣:1997年8月取得上海大世界吉尼斯纪录;2002年12月,有关部门在北京人民大会堂隆重举行仪式,再次表彰《庐山恋》荣载吉尼斯世界纪录。如今,凡路过庐山恋电影院门前的旅游团队或零散的游人,每当谈及此事,无不称奇。 Lushan, a famous scenic spot in Jiangxi Province, has a very unique movie theater. For more than two decades, the cinema has consistently displayed the same movie indefinitely, creating a Guinness world record for the movie. The cinema is the only one in the country named after a movie theater - Lushan Love movie theater. For more than 20 years, Lushan Love Theater has come to the screening of “Lushan Love” movie. The weirdest thing is that only the movie “Lushan Love” can be viewed and placed in front of the audience. If other films are shown, Child lost its appeal. Due to the “Lushan Love” cyclically, day after day, this cinema has finally created a miracle in the commonplace. It has won a great honor in the world for the Chinese film projection industry. In August 1997, it acquired Shanghai Grand World Guinness Book of Records; In December 2002, the relevant departments solemnly held a ceremony in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, once again commended “Mount Lushan” for containing the Guinness World Records. Nowadays, when passing by the tourist team or scattered tourists in front of Lushan Love Cinema, it is all the more surprising when it comes to this matter.
We present the clinical, molecular, and biochemical diagnosis of a patient with congenital disorder of glycosylation (CDG)-Ih. We report significant brain dysfu
泪小管断裂吻合术中 ,鼻侧断端一般较难找到 ,打气、注水、牛奶、亚甲蓝等方法虽然能找到 ,但费时费力 ,使术野模糊不清 ,且成功率低。因此 ,我们改良了泪道冲洗针头带牵引线