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随着科技的进步和发展,越来越多的不孕夫妇借助人类辅助生殖技术实现了孕育下一代的梦想。国家卫生部规定受术夫妇须在手术前与医院签订知情同意书。对知情同意书性质的界定,关系到医疗服务中主体的权利与义务的分配以及当受术者死亡或出现离婚等变故后对剩余胚胎的处置。目前,我国法律未对人类辅助生殖知情同意书的性质作出规定,学界也少有研究。本文通过将人类辅助生殖知情同意书与三类典型的劳务合同进行比较研究后,认定其为复合型的医疗服务合同。为此,借鉴国外先进经验,综合国内人类辅助生殖知情同意书的约定内容,在出现受术者死亡或婚姻变动等情形时,对如何处置剩余胚胎提出相关建议,以期为推动有关剩余胚胎的立法有所裨益。 With the progress and development of science and technology, more and more infertile couples have realized their dream of nurturing the next generation with human assisted reproduction technology. The Ministry of Health stipulates that the operated couple must sign the informed consent form with the hospital before the operation. The definition of informed consent is related to the distribution of the rights and obligations of the subject in the medical service and the disposal of the remaining embryos after death or divorce. At present, our country’s law does not provide for the nature of human assisted reproductive informed consent, scholars rarely study. In this paper, we compare the informed consent form of human assisted reproductive with the three types of typical labor contracts and find that it is a composite medical service contract. To this end, learn from advanced foreign experience, comprehensive domestic agreement on human assisted reproductive consent content, in the event of the death of the surgeon or marriage changes, etc., on how to dispose of the remaining embryos to make recommendations to promote legislation on the remaining embryos Benefit.
美国著名城市规划师山卡赛(Sam Casella)先生2003年11月应邀来华,在京期间.他与本刊执行主编石楠就注册规划师的职业道德问题进行了交谈。
论述了城市设计的重要行为准则 ,即“同为”、“为”和“不为”、“导控”、“大众为本”等准则 ;提出了城市设计的主要行为方式 ,即开展城市设计研究 ,编制城市设计指引 ,聚炼城市设计思想 ,实施城市设计参与 ,落实城市计管理 ,普及城市设计教育