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传说,有两个人偶然与神仙邂逅,神仙授他们酿酒之法:叫他们选端午那天饱满起来的米。冰雪初融时高山流泉的水,调和了,于深幽无人处注入千年紫砂土铸成的陶瓮,再用初夏第一张看见朝阳的新荷覆紧,密闭七七四十九天,直到鸡叫三遍后方可启封。像每一个传说中的英雄一样,他们历尽千辛万苦,找齐了所有的材料,连同梦想一起调和密封,然后潜心等待那个时刻。 According to legend, two people happened to be blind and immortal, and the gods granted them the wine-making method: they were asked to select the rice that was full of the Dragon Boat Festival. At the beginning of the ice and snow, the water of the high mountain springs was reconciled. In the depths of nowhere, the earthenware pottery that was cast in the millennium purple sand was poured. Until the chicken is called three times before unsealing. Like every legendary hero, they have worked hard to find all the materials together, reconcile their seals together with their dreams, and concentrate on waiting for that moment.
分分合合,离离散散,牵牵绊昔昔。空阁独酌欲醉,望断残阳。生怕离怀别苦,多少事,欲说不休。忆往昔,道不尽,只作 Divided together, separated from the scattered, pull dow
那是怎样的一棵大树,挺立在云雾之间,看不清轮廓,却感受到它的高耸。那是怎样的一片草地,漫无边际的绿,触摸不到流动,却感受到它的飘荡。 What kind of a big tree is it s
1.Who is close to you,your mom or your dad? 2.Why is the comet(彗星)like Mickey Mouse? 3.Why do people go to bed? 4.What’s the best thing to take when you’re
听你柔柔的眼泪渗进土里惊醒欲睡的小草染绿枯黄的秋我也无法解释怎么会带来春天的花儿 Listening to your soft tears soaking in the grass, the awakening grass, the g
在白宫里有一些孩子,他们和爷爷或爸爸住在一起或经常看望他们。我在这给你们讲讲他们的故事。 There are children in the White House who live with Grandpa or Dad or v