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为了全面衡量企业的经营成果,国家规定了八项经济技术指标:产量、品种、质量、劳动生产率、原材料燃料动力消耗、成本、利润和流动资金。根据林业生产实践,就如何考核林业企业经营成果,谈谈个人一些看法。一、林业企业的特点林业企业是国民经济的一个组成部门,具有一般工业企业生产的共性,因而以八项指标去考核企业的经营成界,在许多方面是可行的,但是林业企业的生产兼有工业性质与农业性质——即森林工业与营林事业,两者的关系非常密切。因此林业企业就不能不有其特性。考核林业企业经营成果的计划统 In order to fully measure the operating results of enterprises, the state has set eight economic and technical indicators: output, variety, quality, labor productivity, raw material fuel consumption, cost, profit and liquidity. According to the practice of forestry production, on how to assess the operating results of forestry enterprises, to talk about some personal views. First, the characteristics of forestry enterprises Forestry enterprises are an integral part of the national economy, with the common characteristics of the production of general industrial enterprises, and therefore eight indicators to assess the business into the community, in many ways is feasible, but the production of both forestry enterprises The nature of industry and agriculture - that is, the forest industry and forest management business, the relationship between the two is very close. Therefore, forestry companies can not but have their own characteristics. Assessment of forestry enterprises operating results of the planning system
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2010年“五一”前夕,获得全国劳动模范荣誉称号的农四师78团5连牧工努尔江·吾任太赴北京参加全国劳动模范和先进工作者表彰大会。 On the eve of “May 1” in 2010, the 7