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去年7月的一天,当南海区委书记邓伟根,从广东省委常委、宣传部长林雄手中接过广东省首个文化改革发展综合试验区授牌时,意味着南海吹响文化产业集结号。作为经济的热土、文化的厚土,佛山市南海区历史性地承担起广东省首个省级文化改革发展综合试验区的重任,同时催生了全区首个实施文化引领新战略的文化产业载体——39°空间艺术创意社区。39°空间位于寸土寸金的广东金融高新区之核、美丽的千灯湖畔,总占地面积6.4万平方米,现有建筑面积约3.4万平方米。社区东靠海五路,西邻海三路,北面为桂澜路和千灯湖一期区域,南面为广东金融高新区C区。南海39°空间艺术创意社区是由佛山市技工学校南海校区极 One day in July last year, when Deng Weigan, Secretary of the South China Sea Party Committee, handed over the first pilot zone of cultural reform and development in Guangdong Province from the hands of Lin Xiong, member of the Standing Committee of Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and propaganda minister, it meant that the South China Sea sounded the gathering of cultural industries. Nanhai District, Foshan Municipality, historically undertook the important task of Guangdong’s first provincial-level cultural reform and development comprehensive pilot zone as a hot land of economy and a thick soil of culture. At the same time, Nanhai District of Foshan City gave birth to the first carrier of cultural industry in implementing the new strategy in the region --39 ° space art creative community. The 39 ° space is located at the core of Guangdong Financial High-tech Zone with rich land and beautiful scenery. It boasts a total area of ​​64,000 square meters and an existing building area of ​​34,000 square meters. East of the community by the sea five, three sea west, north of Guilan Road and a thousand Denghu Lake area, south of Guangdong Financial High-tech Zone C. Nanhai 39 ° space art creative community is by the Nanhai Campus, Foshan Technical School pole
本报讯2012年1 1月20日,广州市政府常务会议讨论并原则通过《广州市关于打造迎春花市文化名片推进世界文化名城建设的工作方案》(以下简称《方案》)。除了传统的迎春花市,广
Fans are symbols of Chinese culture and arts. Techniques and materials used for making fans are evidence witnessing the evolution of Chinese civilization.Poems,
村妇徐春荣怎么也没想到,自己在无意中会撞上人命大案。 2000年10月15日,河南省桐柏县吴城镇半截楼村。 秋雨淅淅沥沥地下着,叶子已开始枯萎的枝头挑着几丝寒意。村外的稻场上,三三两两的