Storage life of power switching transistors based on performance degradation data

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JZH122
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NPN-type small and medium power switching transistors in 3DK series are used to conduct analyses and studies of accelerating degradation. Through three group studies of accelerating degradation in different temperature–humidity constant stresses,the failure sensitive parameters of transistors are identified and the lifetime of samples is extrapolated from the performance degradation data. Average lifetimes in three common distributions are given, when, combined with the Hallberg–Peck temperature–humidity model, the storage lifetime of transistor samples in the natural storage condition is extrapolated between 105–107h. According to its definition, the accelerating factor is 1462 in 100 C/100% relative humidity(RH) stress condition, and 25 C/25% RH stress condition. Finally, the degradation causes of performance parameters of the test samples are analyzed. The findings can provide certain references for the storage reliability of domestic transistors. NPN-type small and medium power switching transistors in 3DK series are used to conduct analyzes and studies of accelerating degradation. Through three group studies of accelerating degradation in different temperature-humidity constant stresses, the failure sensitive parameters of transistors are identified and the lifetime of When lifetimes in three common distributions are given, when, combined with the Hallberg-Peck temperature-humidity model, the storage lifetime of the transistor samples in the natural storage condition is extrapolated between 105-107h. to its definition, the accelerating factor is 1462 in 100 C / 100% relative humidity (RH) stress condition, and 25 C / 25% RH stress condition. Finally, the degradation causes of performance parameters of the test samples are analyzed. can provide certain references for the storage reliability of domestic transistors.
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