Design of Polarization-independent Wavelength-interleave Coupler in Fluorinated Polyimide Waveguide

来源 :Semiconductor Photonics and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seesmile
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Based on the measurement of dispersion characteristic and birefractive index of the fluorinated polyimide film,a statistical optimum design method is proposed and used to realize the design of 32- and 36-wavelengths optical waveguide wavelength-interleave coupler(i,e.,interleaver) with the optimization of polarization fluctuation and wavelength interval of 0.8 nm at 1 550 nm.The largest cross coupling ratios of the two interleavers are respectively less than 1.8% and 3.5%,while the least through coupling ratios are respectively greater than 98.2% and 96.5%.The output differences due to polarization fluctuation are less than ±1.7% and ±3.2%. Based on the measurement of dispersion characteristic and birefractive index of the fluorinated polyimide film, a statistical optimum design method is proposed and used to realize the design of 32- and 36-wavelength optical waveguide wavelength-interleave coupler (i, e., Interleaver) with the optimization of polarization fluctuation and wavelength interval of 0.8 nm at 1 550 nm. The largest cross-coupling ratios of the two interleavers are less than 1.8% and 3.5%, while the least-pass coupling ratios are respectively greater than 98.2% and 96.5 %. The output differences due to to the polarization fluctuation are less than ± 1.7% and ± 3.2%.
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