理清思路 扎实工作 开创我省建设事业新局面

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2003年是全面贯彻落实党的十六大精神的第一年,也是迈出全面建设小康社会新步伐、开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面的重要一年。努力做好今年的建设工作,具有特别重要的意义。今年,我们要着力抓好以下工作:一、以加快城镇化进程为中心,加大经营城市力度,为全面建设小康社会创造条件以规划设计为龙头,强化城乡规划的综合调控作用。继续贯彻《国务院关于加强城乡规划监督管理的通知》,把规划的视野从单独的城市扩展到区域,把规划编制的重点,从开发建设布局转向重视资源保护利用和空间的管制;从确定城市规模、指标转向控制合理的环境容量和科学的建设标准:从确定发展项目转向主要确定保护内容。各城市要加快制定详细规划,有效提高覆盖率,有效引导城市全面发展,奠定经营 Year 2003 is the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 16th National Party Congress and also an important year in which to take a new step towards building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects and to create a new situation in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Striving to do a good job in this year’s construction has a special significance. This year, we must concentrate our efforts on the following tasks: First, we should speed up the process of urbanization, intensify efforts to run cities, create conditions for building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects, take planning and design as the lead, and strengthen the overall regulation and control over urban and rural planning. We will continue to implement the “Circular of the State Council on Strengthening the Supervision and Management of Urban and Rural Planning”, expand the planning horizon from a single city to a regional area, shift the focus of planning from the development and construction layout to the emphasis on resource conservation, utilization and space control; Indicators shift to control sound environmental capacity and scientific construction standards: shift from identified development projects to primarily identified conservation components. All cities should expedite the formulation of detailed plans, effectively increase the coverage rate, effectively guide the overall development of cities and establish business operations
抵抗键是装在剪板机和冲床大齿轮孔里的键块,它和装在主传动轴上的转键相配合实现主滑块的冲剪运动。图1、2为大齿轮孔的燕尾键槽及抵抗键形式。 Resistance key is instal
目前,热处理设备有80%以上是五十年代的产品,结构落后,热效率低,平均热效率只有30%左右,电能浪费很大。 At present, more than 80% of the heat treatment equipment are
为使高级工程师、全国劳动模范陈钟盛同志在多年实践中独创的“铸铁冷焊”新工艺,尽快地在我部推广应用,部质量技术司委托二一一厂和七一九厂于一九八三年三月一日至三 In o