A Three-Dimensional Velocity-Map Imaging Setup Designed for Crossed Ion-Molecule Scattering Studies

来源 :化学物理学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:roy1984
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In this study,we report the design and simula-tion of an electrostatic ion lens system consist-ing of 22 round metal plates.The opening of the extractor plate is covered with metal mesh,which is for shielding the interaction region of the lens system from the high DC voltages applied to all other plates than the repeller and extractor plates.The Simion simulation shows that both velocity-mapping and time focusing can be achieved simultaneously when appropriate voltages are applied to each of the plates.This makes the ion lens system be able to focus large ionic volumes in all three dimensions,which is an essential requirement for crossed ion-molecule scattering studies.A three-dimensional ion velocity measurement system with multi-hit and potential multi-mass capability is built,which consists of a microchannel plate(MCP),a P47 phosphor screen,a CMOS camera,a fast photomultiplier tube(PMT),and a high-speed digitizer.The two velocity components perpendicular to the flight axis are measured by the CMOS camera,and the time-of-flight,from which the velocity component along the flight axis can be deduced,is measured by the PMT.A Labview program is written to combine the two measurements for building the full three-dimensional ion velocity in real time on a frame-by-frame basis.The multi-hit capability comes from the fact that multiple ions from the camera and PMT in the same frame can be correlated with each other based on their various intensities.We demonstrate this by using the photodissociation of CH3I at 304 nm.
By using scanning tunneling microscope induced lumines-cence(STML)technique,we investigate systematically the bias-polarity dependent electroluminescence behavi
面部层次细节过于丰富,显得脸有点“脏”;逆光的曝光量过大,有些喧宾夺主,应注意控制光比;整幅作品的表现手法有些过于形式化了。 Facial detail is too rich, it looks a
“主要是因为我的英语相对好一些。”在被问及如何能从科研工作者中脱颖而出,被选中首赴南极科考时,董兆乾谦虚地说。头发花白、精神矍铄,言语间时不时爆出一串爽朗的笑声,这就是董兆乾,他是最早登陆南极的中国科学家之一。  大学时代,董兆乾学的是物理海洋学专业,主修第一外语是俄语。后来,他硬是凭着几年的努力攻下了英语。1979年,澳大利亚政府邀请中国派两名科学家参加他们的南极考察队时,国家海洋局得到一个名额