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凡游览过戒台寺、潭柘寺、妙峰山等景区的人们无不发出“啊!门头沟原来这么美”的感叹。然而,当笔者游览了位于门头沟区的大台樱桃沟后就更为大自然鬼斧神工的造化赞叹不已。樱桃沟坐落在北京京煤集团木城涧矿大台井附近,呈“丫”字型,沟深1900余米,总长4000余米。樱桃沟以盛产樱桃得名,每年清明节前后,樱桃花盛开,一簇簇淡红的花朵,香气沁人心脾。5月中旬的一天,笔者来到樱桃沟 Those who have visited the Jietai Temple, Tanzhe Temple, Miaofeng Mountain and other scenic spots all make “Ah! Mentougou so beautiful” sigh. However, when I visited the Taiwanese Cherry Grove in Mentougou District, I was amazed by the nature’s dedication. Cherry Valley is located in Beijing Beijing Coal Group Kincheng Jian mine near Taichung, was “Ah” -shaped, ditch more than 1,900 meters, total length of 4,000 meters. Cherry Valley named after the rich cherry, Ching Ming Festival every year before and after the cherry blossoms, a cluster of pink flowers, aroma refreshing. One day in mid-May, I came to Cherry Valley
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患者男,41岁。有多种药物过敏史,因患十二指肠溃疡口服雷尼替丁胶囊(宁波四明中药厂生产,批号990706)0.15 g,bid,曾出现头皮瘙痒。是日口服雷尼替丁胶囊0.15 g,5 min后出现头