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利用美国国家海洋大气管理局(NOAA)2002年发布的全球海域硝酸盐和磷酸盐及温盐数据库资料(WORLD OCEAN DATABASE 2001),研究东海外海海域营养盐分布特征及季节变化的三维时空过程。结果表明:表、底层硝酸盐和磷酸盐浓度均从西向东减少,底层水至东海大陆坡—冲绳海槽又出现高值;黑潮及其分支台湾暖流向东海入侵路径在底部呈现营养盐浓度高值带;表层营养盐的浓度普遍低,尤其是黑潮流经区表层海水,表层浓度次高值仅在长江口外海区季节性的出现。东海外海海域硝酸盐和磷酸盐浓度分布变化和海域营养盐的输入量、海水温度、营养盐的物理扩散、海洋生物地球化学过程、海洋生物活性及温、盐跃层强弱有关,东海宽广的大陆架底形也有重要作用。东海外海海域营养盐研究表明,沉积物-海水界面交换是东海营养盐的重要补充途径,涌升流区成为渔业资源丰富、发展前景看好的区域。 Based on the data of NOAA 2002 released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the global oceanographic database of nitrate and phosphate and salt and thermohaline database (2002) was used to study the distribution characteristics and the three-dimensional spatio-temporal process of nutrient distribution in the offshore area of ​​the East China Sea. The results show that the concentration of nitrate and phosphate in the bottom layer decreases from west to east, and the bottom water to the continental slope of the East China Sea - Okinawa Trough shows high values ​​again. The intrusion path of Kuroshio and its warm Taiwan branches into the East China Sea presents nutrients concentration High value zone. The concentrations of nutrients in surface layer are generally low, especially the Kuroshio flows through the surface seawater. The second highest value of surface layer concentration appears only seasonal in the sea area outside the Changjiang River estuary. The distribution of nitrate and phosphate in offshore waters of the East China Sea is related to the input of nutrients in the sea, the temperature of the seawater, the physical diffusion of nutrients, the processes of marine biogeochemical processes, marine biological activities and the thermocline and salt levels. The East China Sea is broad The shape of the continental shelf also has an important role. Studies on nutrients in the offshore waters of the East China Sea show that the exchange of sediments and seawater is an important supplement to nutrients in the East China Sea. The upwelling area has become a region rich in fishery resources and promising in development prospects.
目的 观察达芬奇机器人系统在小儿外科手术中的临床应用情况,总结其护理管理办法及配合方案,为今后小儿外科机器人手术的开展提供参考及指导。方法 54例患儿行达芬奇机器人手