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把国学作为学科加以重建和发展如何评估和对待国学,始终是关系中国的现代化建立在什么样的文化基础上的宏观战略问题。纪宝成在5月29日《人民日报》撰文认为,(1)重振国学,首要在于培养人才。在于将国学研究与人才培育结合起来,努力培养和造就一支人品与学问俱佳的国学研究队伍,以使国学文脉得以接续、精神获得传承。(2)重振国学,亟需重塑学术理念。在今天重振国学,决不是对传统国学的简单回归与重复,而是应以现代的理念指导国学的研究与发展:坚持以历史唯物主义的立场、观点和方法对待中国传统思想与学术,取其精华,弃其糟粕,避免陷入单纯复古的泥淖:沟通历史与现实的畛域,摆脱为整理国故而研究国学的思路,立足于从丰厚的历史文化资源中寻求启迪,为当代建设和人民福祉提供服务;不断开拓视野,注重东西文化比较,在世界文明发展的大格局中进行定位,建设既融合世界潮流、又富有中国特色的新型国学。(3)重振国学,必须加强学科建设。国学讲究治学的总体把握,注重义理、考据与辞章的一体化,在严谨的考辨中追求融会贯通的境界。把国学作 How to evaluate and treat Sinology as a discipline to reconstruct and develop Sinology has always been a macroscopic strategic issue that has a bearing on China’s modernization based on what kind of culture. In his article entitled “People’s Daily” on May 29, Ji Baocheng argues that (1) revitalizing Chinese culture mainly lies in cultivating qualified personnel. Is to combine the study of Chinese culture with the cultivation of qualified personnel and strive to cultivate and bring up a contingent of Chinese experts studying Chinese character and knowledge so that the success of Sinology can be inherited and the spirit is inherited. (2) To revitalize Chinese learning, there is an urgent need to reshape academic concepts. To revitalize Sinology today is by no means a simple regression or repetition of traditional Sinology. Instead, it should guide the study and development of Sinology with modern concepts: Adhering to treating traditional Chinese thought and scholarship from the standpoint, viewpoint and method of historical materialism Its essence, to abandon its dregs, to avoid falling into a simple retro muddy: to communicate the history and reality of the domain, get rid of the train of thought for finishing the study of Guoxue, based on the rich historical and cultural resources for inspiration, for the contemporary construction and the well-being of the people Service; continue to broaden their horizons, pay more attention to the comparison of Eastern and Western cultures, orientate itself in the overall pattern of world civilization development, and build a new type of Chinese learning integrating both the world trend and Chinese characteristics. (3) To revitalize the national studies, we must strengthen discipline construction. Guoxue pay attention to the overall grasp of the study, pay attention to justice, textual research and the integration of rhetoric, in the rigorous examination of the pursuit of harmony. To learn Chinese
一教学内容九年义务教育湖北省六年制小学自然教材第十一册第六课。二、教学目标分解表(见图一)三、教学重点1 了解耳朵的构造及耳廓、鼓膜的作用 ;2 耳朵的保健。四、教学难点推
活动目标:通过让学生回忆自己六年来在母校、在老师的培育下 ,所获得的知识、所受到的教育 ,激发学生对老师的尊敬、对母校的眷恋之情。活动形式 :演讲、表演等。活动准备 :
主持人: 张某不是我农场的职工,承租了我场一块农地。2005年4月的一天,张某驾驶农用车帮助付某(也是我场的一名农地承租人)运输水稻出售。在售粮地点,张某爬上车顶卸水稻时不
“从严治学 ,质量第一”是小学教育的根本要求 ,也是小学教育赖以生存和得以发展的基础。本人在语文课的教学中 ,努力做到从实际出发 ,不断探索教学规律 ,大胆改革创新 ,注重
[习作内容]提供材料 ,发挥想象 ,完成一篇童话 :陈明特别喜欢小动物 ,他生日那天 ,爸爸送给他一缸金鱼 ,他非常高兴 ,观察了好几天 ,发现金鱼游着游着老是碰壁。他捧着鱼缸 ,来
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