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为解决设施土壤的连作障碍,以开沟起垄的方式,研究不同秸秆深还田对连作土壤微生物、土壤酶活性及甜瓜根系生长的影响。结果表明:秸秆深还田2年后可以改善连作土壤的酸碱度,显著提高土壤有机质含量,其中玉米秸秆还田有机质含量可达17.08 g·kg·~(-1),比对照处理提高12.8%;同时还明显提高了土壤中脲酶、蔗糖酶、过氧化氢酶等活性,加快了设施土壤中矿质元素的释放,土壤中速效钾、速效磷含量也有所增加,而碱解氮含量则有所降低。与对照相比,秸秆还田丰富了连作土壤中微生物数量,尤其是玉米秸秆还田处理的连作土壤微生物数量最多,比对照增加了30.1%,连作土壤中细菌和放线菌数量增加,但连作土壤中的真菌数量降低。秸秆深还田显著提高了甜瓜根系鲜重和根系活力,其中玉米秸秆还田的根系鲜重和根系活力分别为8.3 g·plant~(-1)和70.4μg·g~(-1)FW;总之,设施连作土壤秸秆开沟起垄深还田显著改良了设施土壤,促进甜瓜根系生长,其中玉米秸秆还田效果较好,其次是花生秸秆。 In order to solve the obstacle of continuous cropping of soil in the facility, the effect of different straw returning to field on the soil microorganism, soil enzyme activity and root growth of muskmelon was studied by the method of ditching and ridge ridging. The results showed that straw returning to field could improve soil pH and soil organic matter content significantly after returning to the soil for 2 years. The content of organic matter in corn straw could reach 17.08 g · kg -1, which was 12.8% higher than that of CK. At the same time, the activities of urease, sucrase and catalase in soil were significantly increased, and the release of mineral elements in the soil of the facility was accelerated. The content of available potassium and available phosphorus in the soil also increased while the content of alkaline nitrogen decreased . Compared with the control, the amount of bacteria and actinomycetes in the continuous cropping soil increased by straw returning to the soil, especially in the continuous cropping of corn stalks, which increased by 30.1% compared with the control. However, The amount of fungi in the soil is reduced. The root fresh weight and root vigor of muskmelon significantly increased with straw returning to the field. The root fresh weight and root activity of corn stalks were 8.3 g · plant -1 and 70.4 μg · g -1 FW respectively. In short, continuous cropping with soil straw ditching and deep furrowing significantly improved the facilities soil and promoted root growth of melon, of which corn stalks were better, followed by peanut straw.
目的 探讨透明质酸钠联合膝关节镜下关节清理治疗髌股关节炎膝前痛的临床价值.方法 选择2012年6月至2015年9月湖北医药学院附属太和医院诊治的髌股关节炎膝前痛患者136例,根
目的 探讨自体胸膜补片修复慢性结核性脓胸肺创面的治疗效果.方法 河北省胸科医院胸外一科2012年8月至2014年11月收治慢性结核性脓胸患者7例,采用自体胸膜补片修复慢性结核性
在万紫千红的季节,人们往往垂青于牡丹,可是同是中国十大名花之一的芍药,其高雅和大度决不逊色于牡丹,更比牡丹多几分人气和纯情。 芍药总和牡丹形影相随,在洛阳、在扬州、
首先分析了高中语文个性化阅读实施中存在的误区,然后针对误区提出实施个性化阅读教学的措施,以实现个性化阅读的有效开展,促进高中语文阅读教学质量的提高。 First of all,
0 前言rn到目前为止,计算铸件浇注系统最小截面积的计算公式已有十数种[1],用图表法确定铸件浇注系统的最小截面积则有数十种.然而这些公式不仅存在着适用范围窄、通用性差,