Solid-Liquid Equilibria of Succinic Acid in Cyclohexanone,Cyclohexanol and Their Mixed Solvents

来源 :Transactions of Tianjin University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shiyiyiyiyi
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Solubilities were measured for succinic acid dissolved in cyclohexanone, cyclohexanol and 5 of their mixed solvents at the temperature range from 291.85 K to 358.37 K using a dynamic method. The solubility data were regressed by λh equation, with the average absolute relative deviation 3.47%. The binary interaction parameter is 0.306 7 for the mixed solvent of cyclohexanone and cyclohexanol was determined by correlating the experimental solubilities with the modified λh equation. When the binary interaction parameter was determined, it can be used to extrapolate the solubilities of succinic acid in mixed solvents of cyclohexanone and cyclohexanol at any proportion. The average absolute relative deviation was 7.69% by using the modified λh equation to correlate the solubility data, however, the average absolute relative deviation was 8.89% by using NRTL equation to correlate the solubility data. The results show that the accuracy of the modified λh equation is better than that of the NRTL equation for the solubility of succinic acid in the 5 mixed solvents of cyclohexanone and cyclohexanol. The solubility data were regressed by λh equation, with the average absolute relative deviation 3.47%. The binary interaction parameter was 0.306 7 for the mixed solvent of cyclohexanone and cyclohexanol was determined by correlating the experimental solubilities with the modified λh equation. When the binary interaction parameter was determined, it can be used to extrapolate the solubilities of succinic acid in mixed solvents The average absolute relative deviation was 7.69% by using the modified λh equation to correlate the solubility data, however, the average absolute relative deviation was 8.89% by using NRTL equation to correlate the solubility data. The results show that the accuracy of the modified λh equation is better than that of th e NRTL equation for the solubility of succinic acid in the 5 mixed solvents of cyclohexanone and cyclohexanol.
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